“Award Will Not Raise My Shoulders” - Isaac Montgomery, as he - TopicsExpress


“Award Will Not Raise My Shoulders” - Isaac Montgomery, as he Dedicates Prize To Colleague New-Kid-on-the-block Isaac Montgomery, whose entry into the mainstream of football refereeing in Liberia is steadfastly maturing says, he has dedicated to Jerry Yekeh, a well-regarded colleague of his, the Referee of the Year Award he recently won for excellent performances in the LFA last league season. Montgomery emerged the dux of CAF young and talented referees’ course in Cairo Egypt few months ago, manifesting further, the exceptional touch he has given his umpire career in the local football league since retiring from Track and Field where he represented Liberia at a number of international competitions. Though young, Isaac won selection from his bosses at LIFRA to officiate several big fixtures involving LISCR, BYC, Invincible Eleven and LPRC Oilers among others during the 2012/2013 championship campaign which was eventually captured by BYC. His qualities; high and controllable speed, endurance, tactical movements coupled with good hands-on knowledge of the laws of the game and implementation during matches assigned him, has earned him a firm place in the football referees association [LIFRA] as one of the prominent refs. Montgomery told our reporter: “My heads will not get swollen by this big achievement and I will not raise my shoulders high up in the air. What this honor has done for me is that I have a renewed vigour to push forward and work harder to prove the extent to which I deserved being named the ‘Best’ among equals.” Reflecting on his hard-work during the 2013/2013 season, the LFA Best Referees Award Winner picked the FA Cup semi final duel with BYC and LISCR FC last season which was forcibly called off due to the fall of darkness with 10 minutes remaining on the clock. “That game was my most memorable assignment. It had some real hot intensity and was a little bit challenging because the two teams are good. But on the overall, am so grateful to God firstly for the high levels of improvements I have experienced.” Assistant Referee Francis Sarnor who shared the same flight with Montgomery to honor their participation in the CAF youth course in Egypt, has also been appreciated by Montgomery, who has seemingly become his close ally. Montgomery said, he highly relishes the time shared with Sarnor both in the execution of professional duties and leisure but on a serious note, he disclosed: I can actually feel relaxed when am in the center and my “friend-and-brother” Francis Sarnor is on the lines [Assistant Referee]. He understands me so well.” When our reporter queried him about recommendations to further improve football officiating in Liberia, Montgomery gave hats off to LIFRA and the Director of refereeing at the LFA Stanley Konah for in recent time, introducing a female referees recruitment program under the sponsorship of the LFA. In his mind, this is a welcoming development which would benefit the LFA more than LIFRA, because the FA has the responsibility to ensure fans have a splendid national league in terms of officiating. This program aims to mainly encourage the huge participation of women referees during the league season. Montgomery has called on LIFRA members to strive hard for the best level of professionalism because according to him, the beauty of the game depends not only on the classical display the players put up, but high quality officiating by the referees. “Colleagues, I thank you all for the support we gave each other during the last league season and I urge us all to continue living up to the dictates of the laws of the game which is our guide in executing out duties as referees.” Montgomery concluded.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:01:27 +0000

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