BABE IN TOTAL CONTROL EPISO 24 You know that period in life - TopicsExpress


BABE IN TOTAL CONTROL EPISO 24 You know that period in life when you loose something so valuable that you keep on telling yourself it isnt true and no matter how much you are convinced it is, you refuse to believe it? Well that was the case of Zainab and Jummy as they found out their car was missing. * * * They got to the car park and walked to the exact spot they had parked the car but the car was no more, they magically became sober immediately. Jummy, was it not here we parked the car? Zainab asked looking confused. Err.. Ye.. I think so.. Jummy stuttered. So where is it now?! Zainab asked with her voice raised. Jummy just stared blankly at the spot where the car was supposed to be. Are you sure you parked the car here? Henry asked no one in particular, but the question was directed at either Jummy or Zainab. Of course! Im dead sure... I came in through that entrance, Zainab pointed at the eastern entrance, and I even remember contemplation on either I should park here or at that spot that currently occupied by that Land Cruiser, Zainab concluded. Okay then, what brand of car are we looking for exactly? Clinton asked. A red Honda Accord! Zainab replied, Jummy was still staring at the spot on silence, trying to remember if they had actually driven the car or had taken a cab. Ill look around for it or any signs, and while I do that, you guys should go and ask the bouncers if they have any idea concerning the where about, Clinton replied, he was trying his best to stay calm and manage the situation properly. Okay, fine, here is my number, Henry handed him his card, if you find anything, call us. Okay, I dont have a card, but Ive give Jummy here my number, if the bouncers have any useful info, just give me a beep, Clinton replied and walked away, he had no idea about where he was going but went ahead anyway. The three of them: Henry, Jummy and Zainab, walked to the front of the club where two well built bouncers stood erect, and had probably been standing that way all day, they both wore all black body hug T-shirts and jeans- they looked like they really meant business. Henry was the first to speak, chairmen how far na? He said, trying to act as casual as possible. I they oh, wetin they happen na? One of the bouncers replied, while the other kept a IF YOU NO WAN GIVE US ANYTHING, COMMOT FOR HERE look. Nothing much oh, how work na? Henry asked as he shook them and stylishly dropped a thousand naira note with each of them as he shook them. They took the money and without check the amount, they both deep their hands into their pocket and responded with a wide smile, work slow today oh. Zainab and Jummy had no idea what was really going on, they were wondering why Henry was asking them about work when he was meant to be asking about the stolen car - if only they knew how things work in Nigeria. Enhen, abeg, I get one small problem oh, Henry said. Ah! Oga! Which kain problem? Shey person they fucck up? Just point am and we go help you treat hin fucck ups! One of the bouncer replied in an excited tone- the power of one thousand naira. No be that kain problem oh. Abeg, my babe park hin motor for backyard before she enter but the motor don grow leg o, Henry replied and stared at Zainab, he could only imagine her thinking: when did I become your babe? Ah! Them don thief am be that! Na the second motor them don thief this week be that. Na why we put that sign board for there, one of the bouncers replied and pointed at sign board at the front of the garage which said: ALL CARS ARE PARK AT OWNERS RISK. Henry read the sign board and he stared at the ladies, his looks said it all: NO HOPE, and although Zainab didnt want to accept it, she had no other option. They thanked the bouncers for the no help they rendered and walked back to the garage to wait for Clinton, hoping he would have some sort of good news. Clinton came back few minutes later looking indifferent, his search has been fruitless. By this time, Oscar and Mathew were both outside the club to see if their friend, Henry would go home with Zainab. Henry saw them and he instantly remembered his bet, he smiled. He turned to Zainab who was awfully quiet and regretting why she had gone clubbing today, she just couldnt help but wonder why of all the cars in the garage, hers was stolen? Zainab, I can give you a ride home, Henry started, but, Ill need you to give me your phone number, as he concluded, he noticed how sill he was and how that came out wrong. Sorry? Zainab asked in disappointment, her car was missing and this guy wanted to blackmail her for her phone number, or she thought. Oh! I dont mean it that way, I promise to delete the number after I used it to do something, Henry replied, trying to look as serious as he could. Yea right! Zainab replied sarcastically, Jummy lets go and board a cab jhur, she added and started walking towards the express way. She had taken about four steps when she noticed Jummy wasnt following her. What are you still doing there, she asked, lets go na. Without looking at Zainab, she replied, my handbag and money was in the car. What! How then were we to pay for those drinks? Zainab asked. I just took a few thousand notes and I knew some generous guys would join us, Jummy replied, and realised how dumb she sounded. Zainab wanted to shout at Jummy for being so unreasonable and careless but she remembered she just lost her car, she sighed and reluctantly walked back to Henry. Ill give you the number on two conditions, she said Am all ears, Henry replied with a grin. One, you tell me exactly what you need it for and you agree to drop I and my friend at our door step, deal or no deal? Henry weighted his options and after considering having 100k in his account was worth it, he told Zainab everything from the scratch. Zainab was of course disappointed in Henry for treating her like a trophy but was more disappointed in herself for falling for such trap, funny to think she was already liking him and considering taking him home after everything for round two. She gave him the number anyway, and Henry went with his phone to join Oscar and Mathew who were staring from a distance. He called Zainab from there and gave the phone to Mathew to confirm, when it was confirmed, Mathew handed over the Iphone and car keys to Henry and grunted at Oscar, Now, we go trek go house shey? Henry left with a smile, he had a bigger fish to fry. EPISODE 25 Loading...
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:28:37 +0000

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