♥♥♥♥♥BANOFFEE PIE (MY FAVOURITE DESSERT)♥♥♥♥♥ ingrediants DoUble cream =1pac , banana= 2 ,strawberries =3,4 , caramel 1tin , rich tea biscut=1 pac , unsalted butter =3table spoon...... First step is chop rich tea biscuts in a choper .....then take a pan warm 3tbsp butter put crushed rich tea biscuts in it.until little more brown or look like a paste or sticky..on other side blend double cream until smooth &thick....now take a glass dish and rub butter in dish base then lawyer rich tea brown biscut then caramel.cover all the choped biscuts.now the next lawyers is fuitri(banana pieces &strawbery pieces) then final top layer is cream layer....on the v top i sprinkle some biscut and some cup cakes dressing ..........in this given receipe strawbery is my addition coz i like some other cool touch in sweet u can use pineaple too its up to ur taste..follow pics step by step and enjoy this cool receipe v easy and soo mucb yummy......
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:25:41 +0000

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