BE ADVISED!! Most people do not understand the realm of the - TopicsExpress


BE ADVISED!! Most people do not understand the realm of the demonic like they need to. We are at war with the demonic world and always will be, until we are dead or raptured. Just like a person KNOWS when you are looking at them and you are interested in them, they KNOW by the way you look at them. Well in the spirit world, demons KNOW when your spiritual eyes are looking at them; looking for pain, discomfort in our bodies, looking for any kind of ill will. When they see us looking, seeking, inquiring for them, they come IMEDIATELY come to manifest in the natural what they are in the spiritual. Demons of pain will manifest pain in the natural, if we look for them, they will come. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7….seek (enquire) and we will find! This is true in the demonic and the Godly realm. Seek, inquire, look for relief, for comfort, for victory and this is what you will have, obtain. The more you look, enquire the more you will get. The demons of hell cannot read our minds, but they watch our actions and our facial expressions and our physical actions; to see if they are in agreement with defeat. If we have natural expression of the demons thought injected into our minds, it gives satan and his demons power to enforce their ill will into our natural lives. The evil spirits have rights to give us thoughts (II Corinthians 10:3-5); once we have accepted their demonic thoughts; then they have rights to bring into the natural world what they are in the spiritual world. A demon of hatred will cause a natural person to be hateful. A demon of pain will cause pain to be real in the natural world. Thats the reason we MUST cast down every IMAGINATION and bring every THOUGHT into the obedience of Christ. MAKE every thought obey Gods Word. Over the years I’ve known of many people that rebuke different kinds of problems using the name of Jesus and have no results. And there are times when you can directly speak to a demon and use the name of Jesus and they flee. But we must understand there are many, many times that we must apply the Word in different ways against demonic forces to have results in getting rid of demons. Applying the Word of God in different ways, against different kinds of demons is rebuking demons in the name of Jesus. Something that is very important to know, is the fact that God will not allow any type of demonic force, any kind of a problem to come against us that we cannot handle. I Corinthians 10:13 says, “There hath no temptation ( Greek = “temptation: trial) taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted (Greek = : trial) above that ye are able; but will with the temptation (Greek = : trial) make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it. God also knows the level of faith that we are on, and His power will work for us in the simplest ways of rebuking devils if that is all the understanding we have. For instance; if the only thing that a person knows is rebuking demons in the name of Jesus, all demonic forces will be rebuked and will leave. However, God expects us to grow up. We must walk in the understanding that we have; but we must grow, we must increase our Bible knowledge. By doing this, we will know more, we will have bigger battles, but we will have bigger victories. Jesus said in Luke 12:48 ….. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more!! AMEN!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:15:02 +0000

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