BE AFRAID (Or not) To the American public the beheading of two - TopicsExpress


BE AFRAID (Or not) To the American public the beheading of two Americans was shocking and barbaric so why wasn’t Saudi Arabia upset or shocked? Because there are two methods of doling out barbaric capital punishment under Sharia law; one is stoning and the other is beheading. In August, 2014, the Saudi Government beheaded 19 or more people. Previously I have written about the Wahhabi sect of Islam, the predominant sect in Saudi Arabia. This is the fundamentalist wing of Islam and Saudi monies flow to Wahhabi Madrasas all around the world. I remember a couple of years ago when there were young boys carrying out suicide bombings in Afghanistan. The Madrasas in Pakistan, funded by Saudi donors were schooling and training the young boys in Jihad. These were Madrasas funded out of Saudi Arabia. We have supported the Iraqi Kurds with our air strikes while they fought to protect their territory. The Kurds took advantage of our ‘no-fly-zone’ protection when Saddam was in power and build a defensive force and a strong economy. On the other hand, the Islamic sects in the rest of Iraq and within its army led to mass desertion on the battlefield when ISIS moved through Iraq. We stopped the Kurds from being overrun by ISIS. Now it is probably time to provide heavy arms and training so in the future they can protect themselves. Now our leaders are telling us that Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other friendly nations are in danger in the Middle East and that ISIS needs to be stopped. Where then are the Turkish, Jordanian, and Saudi Armed forces. We provide military equipment to each of these countries as well as others in the area. If these nations are threatened, wouldn’t you think that they would step up and help the Iraqi government? The reason they do not do this is because they are Sunni and the ISIS rebels are Sunni. In fact it is the wealth of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other nations that have been funding the ISIS forces. WHO’S IN CHARGE: The United States constitution says that congress declares war. We have not done this since WWII. Now if we are to go to war in Iraq and Syria, then the US congress needs to step up and make that decision. We need to have that debate. The right says we must uphold our Constitution. OK! Let’s do that! When and if we through our elected representatives decide that we must go to war then they also have to decide how we are going to pay for it. They also need to decide whether or not to reinstate the draft so we are not sending our National Guard troops out to fight on foreign soil. Bottom line is the question is NOT whether we back our President but rather whether or not we are in favor of war. Would you be in favor of this action if it were McCain, Graham, or Bachman telling us that we needed to do this? These are the tough questions we need to ask ourselves. YOU LOSE: If you think this is a war on terror then consider the following from the dailykos story below: “The nation is on edge in the wake of brutal beheadings of journalists by Islamic extremists — with more Americans saying the United States is less safe now than at any point since 9/11, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows. You know what that poll shows, Americans? It shows that the terrorists won. You are giving them everything they wanted. You are terrorized.” dailykos/story/2014/09/10/1328590/-My-fellow-Americans-please-stop-being-idiots?detail=email# A question you might ask yourself is “why doesn’t Canada, England, France, Germany, or other western powers feel so threatened that they want to drop bombs in other countries?”
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:54:59 +0000

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