‘BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU OCCUPIED YOUR THOUGHTS WITH, BECAUSE DEVIL ALSO IS BUSY WORKING ON YOUR THINKINGS......‘ In the gathering of the Ministers, all were discussing on what they want to achieve and how to achieve them as per next level. One of them all of a sudden just got up and said to the rest seated, look this is new age ministry, we must be financially buoyants, what our congregation blieve so much in nowadays is prophetic message, if we continue wth the preaching of salvation,we will end up rotten in poverty just like our past leader in the Ministry, This system need packaging, there is something we called ‘WHITE LIES‘ you just have to lie to boost their faith, just like what I did to that tycoon woman that brought her jeep to show as a testimony for the goodness of God in her life, when she brought it, I called her to my office and told her that there is a huge contract on the way, but she has to sacrifice this jeep to one minister before the vision can be materialize, that is how I got my jeep. But that is a very cunning way of possesing a possession, says one of them,sit there ,our people are too heartless, you will pray for their success, when they got it all ,they will only tip you with tokens as if you are beggar. Omo ijo kan, ko le fi mi jaye mo, I have woken up. All of them discharge what was on their mind and went their way.. ......... But the man that took jeep from one of his members, was to have a three days crusade in a town which were dominated by idolators, 1St day of the revival was so powerful that most pagan in the town gave their lives to Christ, this aroused the anger of the idol worshippers in the town, and they summoned meeting among themselves, they planned on what to do with this intruder as he was called amidst them. They consulted their oracle, and one of the diviners told them how he cannot joke with anybody when it comes to money. They planned his ruin as one of them agree to go to the crusade ground as a new convert, and in the process will give him an envelope of huge money that has been enchanted they all agree to this proposal. The 2nd day the idol worshipper appear as a new convert, and on the 3rd day brought an awesome nvelope as a testimony gotten frm the crusade. This man was so overwhelmed that he forgot to santisfy the money before adding it to the rest of the money they realised on that day. Genesis of the outcome of the money from the idolater, the man on the night has a terrible dream that he was dining with idols, when he woke up he developed stomachs disorder, from there, he started stooling and vomitting, all efforts and prayers to stop this proved abortive,he taken to hospital, but they cannot specifically diagnose the problem, finally all the ministers in his caucus was called upon, that was when the secrets of the money he received were revealed and the only thing that can save him is to make sure he return the same money and ammount back to the owner. how will he do that, when all money has been mixed together and shared to their various offices. Lord have Mercy, No wonder the Word of God stated it in 1 Corinthians 6:10,For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. Dear Beloved in the field of savng souls, why has the love of money engage men‘s mind, in preference to the love of God, the Creator of all the created? what will ye give me? (Matt 26) by Judas Iscariot . it was not the lack of money but love of it, that eventually caused him his life with everlasting shame and untimely death. The methods adopted by several people to get wealth, are disheartening, disturbing, and sickening. May God have Mercy on all our souls. BLESS THE NAME OF THE LORD # YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN #
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:25:42 +0000

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