BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH. The March for March is being held - TopicsExpress


BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH. The March for March is being held today in our nation throughout our capital cities and many rural areas. The March for March is happening primarily to undermine the Liberal government and Australias current Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The protestors in the March for March have a surface level agenda. They are protesting against Australias current policies on asylum seekers otherwise known as illegal immigrants, they are also marching in protest of what they deem to be inhumane conditions of our detention centres, plus other various environmental and economic policies. But the powers that be, behind this march and others also have an incideous underlying agenda which is to topple the current government and to one way or another see Prime Minister Tony Abbott stripped of his Prime Ministership and they are taking down a letter of no confidence in the current government by the Australian people, to hand into federal parliament on Monday. In fact there have even been calls in some areas of social media to see Prime Minister Abbott assassinated or killed. Now of course not everyone involved in this march want the PM dead. Some may see themselves as peaceful protestors standing for the refugee and that is perhaps what the surface level agenda is about for many, I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt. But the underlying agenda and really the driving force behind todays protest in our nation, in my opinion comes purely and simply down to one word rebellion. There are at least some amongst this group and even perhaps amongst their leadership who seem to be calling for the overthrowing of our Prime Minister and our government at this time but even worse than this is the fact that there are most probably a minority of more sinister plotters who would see our PM dead. In fact if you look at the date today, which is the 15th of March and if you have any understanding of history you will know that on this day in Rome many hundreds of years ago Julius Caesar was literally stabbed to death in the back by the people around him, even those closest to him were in on the plot. So, in my opinion, you can be sure of what the underlying message of this march is. It is bullying, rebellion, treachery in its worst form. The underlying message of this March to the PM and his cabinet is - Do what we tell you or one way or another you will be taken out. Now my main concern in all of this is the number of people that profess to be Christians that are involved in this march. To me these guys are walking a bit of a dangerous path as we are taught to submit to our governing authorities, giving to God what is Gods and giving to Caesar what is Caesars. In the bible Christians are given clear teaching on how we are to submit to government. In Rom 13 1-7 it says Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no higher power but God : the powers that be are ordained but God, whoever therefore resisteth the power, resistath the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Now of course in the bible there are some instances in both the Old Testament and the New Testament when the people of God resisted government, the majority of those cases were to save a person or many people from immediate danger if being killed by evil leaders, Ex 1 - 20-21 and 1 Kings 18 are examples of those, kind of like when Germans hid Jews in their homes during the Nazi regime. The other times resistance was permitted was in not bowing down to another God (Daniel 3) and when sharing and preaching about Jesus and the Kingdom of God(Acts 5:29.) Plainly these things that our fellow Australians and even some fellow Christians are marching about do not fall into any of the above categories where resistance is allowed by the Lord. Our current government was elected by the people for the people and as such they speak for the majority of the people that elected them. Sure they are not perfect, what government is, but they are also not evil. As for Christians we do have a number of things that we can do under a government that is truly trying its best to get Australia back on track, which I firmly believe our PM is trying to do, not that that means we will always agree with everything that he does, just like children who dont always understand a parents undertakings on their behalf. We dont always know the full picture. What we can do as Christians is work within and through laws of of the land which have been laid down by Gods ordained authority, with a heart of submission, we can write our representatives, write into newspapers, sign petitions and re elect new officials at the right time and place. We are also taught in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 that we are to pray for all those on authority. If there was a true evil tyranny of threat of immediate death for innocents or something like that, as Christians we would then be entitled and even encouraged to protest loudly and clearly even to the loss of our own lives. However clearly we are not under the rulership of an evil despotic ruler out for blood. We live in one of the most wonderful free democratic societies in the world and to me, although to some this March for March may seem like a peaceful protest for the underdog, what it is in fact is the rebellion of an immature country who it seems are not all that well educated on the recent rise and fall of nations, because they are attacking one of the very things that make this country great; a democratically elected government and Prime Minister. So when these people March this petition of no confidence down to Federal Parliament on Monday morning entitled something like a vote of no confidence in the government by the Australian people, I want it to be known that I am an Australian person and this minority does not stand for me. The currently elected government stands for me, whether they always make choices I believe in or not. I believe God has ordained this government and the majority voted, you got a problem with them or their policies go through the correct channels at the right time. But please dont deliver a letter on my behalf that I didnt sign, dont march on my behalf in a march that I dont agree with. I am an Australian person and I dont agree. I am an Aussie Christian and you dont speak for me. Nerissa Hann - 15 March, 2014 Anniversary of the Ides of March.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 05:14:54 +0000

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