BEYOND THE BIG LIE ABOUT YOU: TO THE CORE TRUTH THAT HEALS! DEAR FRIENDS- I am now going to say something absolutely outrageous and utterly spiritually incorrect. And yet I propose to you that it is not only completely true but also the most loving and liberating way to look at the agony of humanity-and our own very personal suffering- that can be envisioned. Indeed it is the unturned and golden key to a greater and kinder and happier life for each of us individually and all of us together in our troubled human family ! Here is what I propose: that every religion and every spiritual teaching - past and present- ever invented was an attempt to help people feel better WITHOUT CONFRONTING THE REAL CAUSE OF THEIR ALIENATION AND PAIN . WHICH LAY IN THE SHATTERING AND BURIED TRUTH ABOUT CHILDHOOD! Even spiritual geniuses and tremendous contributors such as Jesus and Buddha, Lao-Tsu and the great yogis never had a glimpse into this deepest and most powerful reality about our human experience! And therefore all their teachings- even with the beauty and grace they contain- also carry major distortions as they attempt to heal people and the world without facing the primal problem of childhood head on. I will once more assert the First Teaching of Unconditional Self-Love: We are all born perfect in our Authentic Selves, without sin and ego and karma and flaws, totally ready and able to love and be loved. But we are met by a wounded world- and families, societies, cultures and religions which instill fear and self-doubt, guilt and shame in us about who we really are. And we live our lives under the pain and illusion that it is ourselves- or some basic problem in human nature- that is to blame for our burden of alienation and pain. But that is the Big Lie that all the spiritual bypasses somehow help maintain. And which steers you away from facing your childhood wounding- thereby robbing you of total faith in your own body and spirit, heart and soul. The resistance to our inner pain- and to confronting the way well-intentioned parents unknowingly yet terribly damage their children- is so ferociously and desperately strong. Ideology after ideology is invented by our defense mechanisms to push away the horror of it. And yet when we forsake all spiritual bypasses and go deeper and deeper into the feelings and memories and truth stored- up in our own bodies we permanently break through to the innate joy we were born to feel and live! This knowledge is what humanity is dying- literally- to receive. And it is what will help us end the cycle of individual misery and the acting out of our rage and pain on each other in violence and injustice and intolerance and war . Forever! Humanity has tremendous and infinite love and creativity and sheer happiness waiting to be unleashed! The revolution of understanding about what children really need to blossom into their Authentic Selves is the ONE AND ONLY KEY that will unlock the blessed and shining Heaven on Earth that we have dreamed about through the long ages. And which I swear to you we will someday make real! Both in the individual lives of those brave and determined souls learning to love and liberate themselves today..... And in the generations to come who will be born into a world in which the heart and soul of spirituality is to raise every perfect newborn child in the service of his/her Authentic Self ! This is our future! With every drop of love and life in your being- claim it for yourself today! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:45:46 +0000

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