BIBLICAL........ BOOK OF NEHEMIAH. Author: Ezra, although - TopicsExpress


BIBLICAL........ BOOK OF NEHEMIAH. Author: Ezra, although Nehemiah word are written in first person. Date written: around 430 before Christ contents:: its easy to analyse, scrutinize, and talk about the problems in the world.. but we really need people who will do something about them... The book of Nehemiah shows what happens when such a person step forward... the story begins as Nehemiah learns of a problem that greatly distresses him; The city walls of Jerusalem were broken down, and the city was defenceless.. The small number of Jews whp had returned to their homeland after decades of Babylonian captivity desperately needed the wall to be rebuilt.... Nehemiah knew that the task could not wait, so he obtained permission from the king of Persia and travel to Jerusalem. There he surveyed the situation and began to reconstruct the walls... Despite several setbacks from the enemies of Jerusalem, Nehemiah completed the task with in a very short time and the walls were dedicated to the GLORY OF GOD ..... Ezra also led the people to recommitt themselves to following Gods laws.....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:13:02 +0000

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