BOOMASHAKA on a serious note.. please take note of the word MEN - TopicsExpress


BOOMASHAKA on a serious note.. please take note of the word MEN Coward is a MEN who awakens their partners heart with no intention of loving them I really fail to understand those partners who still cheat in their relationships, why not leave the relationship if you not happy? Instead make a fool out of your partner.mara for the why? Ka butsa! ¤why tel your friends that youre over youre partner, whilst he/she still thinks yal are still dating! Partners who seeks relationship approvals from friends are total #BlackOuts! Not even a turn off. Kere #BLACKOUTS! Tjin youre not in a relationship with your friends, but you nywere nywere chomy should i dump him/her? ¤Hebbana There can be a spread of a hundred million diseases but these idiots still got the decency to cheat? Bathong What are you thinking? arent you like scared to die or get infected or something? Cheating is killing you blind blind wena, you need serious help wena aowa! #sanamaWanaBeDieHard by false nx! ¤Is commitment some sort of a new disease now?, im asking? Is that why you so scared to commit? Waitse ke eng? Read this below maybe it might help. ¤¤The minute you decide to stop cheating and wanting to be in a serious relationship, that will be the day youl realize that every good person has been taken and theres no-one who will ever take you seriously.akere oMadlala wena, so Nomatter how much youre willing to prove yourself. No-one will want to be with you, so you better start getting your shit straight or prepare to live a lonely Life! #Life facts ...LhoLho...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 09:36:05 +0000

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