BREAST REDUCTION Believe it or not, many women do suffer - TopicsExpress


BREAST REDUCTION Believe it or not, many women do suffer substantial discomfort due to over-sized breasts. Hence it has become common for them to resort to surgery for relieving them from physical restrictions, excessive stress and pain caused on neck, shoulders and back along with an out-of-proportion figure. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Are you concerned about one or more of the following conditions? • Breasts that are too large in proportion to your body frame • Heavy pendulous (droopy) breast with nipples that point downwards • One breast that is much larger than the other • Back, neck or shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts • Skin irritation beneath your breasts • Indentations in your shoulders from straining bra straps • Restrictions of physical activity due to the size and weight of your breasts • Self-consciousness about the size of your breasts If any of the above applies to you, this surgery might just be a way out of your current situation. This procedure is usually performed for physical relief rather than for cosmetic reasons and involves removal of excess breast tissue to reshape and lift the breasts. We’re the leading cosmetic treatment center when it comes to breast reduction surgery or reduction mammoplasty, so you can trust our experienced cosmetic surgeon and team of doctors to get your breasts reduced to the appropriate size with as little hassle as possible. Book breast reduction surgery consultation or fill the form to make an enquiry Breast Reduction Procedure A general anesthetic will be given to keep you asleep throughout the procedure. Incisions will be made either around the areola (area around the nipple), vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast or horizontally beneath the breast, following the natural curve of the breast crease. The excessive breast tissue only is removed without damaging any other muscles or glands. After your surgeon has removed excess breast tissue, fat and skin, the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position. Ideally you should be prepared to spend one night in hospital. Depending on your healing ability and post-op care, you’ll feel absolutely normal and lighter within some time ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months. Post-op recovery and care Recovery after the breast reduction surgery depends on how the operation is performed by the surgeon. However, there are some common conditions which could be experienced. Breast pain, discomfort and soreness are experienced on a common ground, while bleeding and severe discomfort may occur as well. In that case, you will have to visit your plastic surgeon to check why your body is unable to cope up with the surgery. Rest and sleeping position are two important factors. It is necessary for you to take enough rest and let the body adjust to the change. You will also need to sleep straight and up-right to ensure faster recovery. The cosmetologist may also advise you to wear surgical bra to help give support to your operated breasts. Also, post-surgery scars may be visible but your surgeon will look after such issues and suggest medication
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 06:19:50 +0000

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