BROTHER ALI vs. WHITE SUPREMACY part 28 A Note on Europe One - TopicsExpress


BROTHER ALI vs. WHITE SUPREMACY part 28 A Note on Europe One of the slick moves of the white supremacists is their coming up with the idea that Europe is a continent. And they use that to imply, that Europe is where the real white people live, North Africa is where the kinda brown-skinned white people live, Subsaharan Africa is where the (non-contributin to civilization) Negroes live, and then there are the Saracens Turks in Western Asia and the Asiatic hordes beyond that. As a result of this, many people pretty much assume that there could not have been any substantial black African presence (ever) in Europe--a few slaves here and there perhaps, but certainly it could not have been the case that blacks could have been in Europe as conquerors. Again, the fact of the matter is that folks have been getting around (and intermingling blood) for a LOOOOONG time. For instance, the Huns came out of Asia; they had an Asiatic (Mongoloid) appearance. Nothing prevented them from traveling into Central Europe (or raiding much of Europe) or putting their capital in Europe (or mixing with the local European population). Likewise, the Mongols, whose origins are waaaaaaay out east in Asia. Nothing prevented them (meaning, no mind set that said that Europe is the exclusive province of the white guys) from conquering parts of Europe and penetrating deep into (European) Russia. Later the Turks would settle in Asia Minor (current day Turkey)--but their origin is also out east (where the people look Asiatic). These different Asiatic groups came into Europe and mixed with the local population--this alone should destroy the notion that Europeans are a pure (white) race. Similarly, as we shall see (God-willing), people from the south of Europe entered the Continent and mixed with local populations. Muslims saw Europe as no different from any place else. After all, the distance that separates Europe and Africa is a mere seven miles. The Muslims dominated much of the Mediterranean Basin for centuries. They traveled from North Africa and the Levant (roughly, todays Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine) to Europe easier than they did from Mogadishu to Malacca. Its because of the indoctrination into a Eurocentric world view that make (many of) us think that it is far-fetched to think that the tans, browns, and blacks of Africa could have ever ventured into the white homeland. In truth the idea of Europe was tied into Western Christiandoms desire to unite the various Christian states in its opposition to Islam. This historical opposition to Islam is a major part of the European identity--and has a lot to do with driving the mentality of white racism, as we shall see, God be willing.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 01:13:50 +0000

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