BRUCE BALVIN INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES BEWARE: THE GREAT FALLING AWAY! 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the LATTER TIMES some shall DEPART from the FAITH, giving HEED to DECEITFUL SPIRITS and DOCTRINES of DEMONS”. The WORD of God clearly teaches that in the VERY LAST DAYS, one of the MAIN SIGNS of the TIMES to look for will be the GREAT FALLING AWAY of those who profess to be Christians. Jesus clearly teaches that in the very LAST DAYS, the LOST will become more and more BLINDED from hearing BIBLICAL TRUTH, because many who claim to be God’s anointed will NOT be preaching the WHOLE TRUTH! Paul wrote, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will DEPART from the FAITH, giving heed to DECEIVING SPIRITS and doctrines of DEMONS, SPEAKING LIES in HYPOCRISY, having their OWN CONSCIENCE SEARED with a hot iron, FORBIDDING to MARRY, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1 Tim. 4:1-3). Some have indeed DEPARTED from the FAITH because they have engaged with DECEIVING SPIRITS and embraced DOCTRINES of DEMONS. We’ve WITNESSED more than one MAN OF GOD with a major ministry platform BOW A KNEE to doctrines like UNIVERSALISM, deceiving and BEING DECEIVED with this DEADLY HERESY. Despite many in the church lifting their voice against HERETICAL TEACHINGS, these DECEIVED MINISTERS hold fast to their DEMONIC DOCTRINE. The Bible tells us to work out our SALVATION with FEAR and TREMBLING (Phil. 2:12). We need to GET at it because this is SURE: Jesus is coming back for a GLORIOUS CHURCH WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE (Eph. 5:27). The GATES OF HELL are trying to prevail against the church and will ULTIMATELY FAIL, but not before ENTICING some believers into HERESY, IDOLATRY and other SIN! I DON’T believe in ONCE-SAVED-ALWAYS-SAVED doctrines. I believe you CAN LOSE your salvation. It don’t happens OVERNIGHT. It’s a SLOW PROGRESSION down the SLIPPERY slope of DECEPTION. HOW would you KNOW if you were DECEIVED? I’ve NEVER met one who was DECEIVED find an ANSWER for the question. Rather, they INSIST that THEY CANNOT be DECEIVED or that they would KNOW if they were. If we DON’T think WE could be deceived, we’re DECEIVED ALREADY! And if we ARE deceived, we WOULDN’T KNOW it unless the HOLY SPIRIT broke in and OPENED the EYES of our heart. This APOSTASY is the FRUIT of mans DENIAL of Christs SERVANTHOOD and HUMILITY as a way of life. And in REFUSING this they received NOT the love of the TRUTH ... and were GIVEN OVER to the OPPOSING SPIRIT of ANTICHRIST. Those REFUSING to OBEY JESUS’ EXAMPLE were sent STRONG DELUSIONS that they might BELIEVE THE LIE that is the OPPOSITE of Christs example. (vs.11). We’re SEEING the hints of this APOSTASY ALREADY. I PRAY that the Lord would count me FAITHFUL, that I would NOT be DECEIVED in these last days, and that I might be a PURE VESSEL the Lord can USE to SOUND the ALARM! Our Lords desire is that we should NOT be IGNORANT of Satans devices and should ARM ourselves well against them. Then we can face the end times, of which we are assuredly a part, with CONFIDENCE and with HOPE! “Therefore let him who THINKS he stands TAKE HEED lest he FALL”! (1 Cor. 10:12).....JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 22:06:40 +0000

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