BUDDHISM IS RELIGION OF PRESENT TENSE BASED ON CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP AND PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE PRINCIPLE ====================================================== I have studied closely about time factor applicable in theist philosophies of Islam, Hindu and Christianity as against atheist and logical philosophy of the Buddha’s Dhamma in rational eyes of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Prof. P. Laxmi Narasu. In my judgment theists worship gods and goddesses for their self betterment and their families i.e. they ask wealth and everything good for them and family so that they should not meet any disaster or any kind of unexpected evil/untowards tragic event in their future life. They are worried of future rather than present. But in actual realization, the future events are like closed palm which never opens in present. Future is shadowy/dark. Hence, theists are in futile pursuit by chasing after mirage. In doing so, they lose COMMON SENSE in present tense. According to Sir Elbert Einstein – I do not believe in theology of god that theists are rewarded and atheists are punished. Also he stated on future – I do not think of future. It comes soon. *Vinshkale Viparit Buddhi”, a very famous quotation of Vinoba Bhave which is commonly used aftermath of happening of any tragic event; but never quoted before happening of the event. This is the quotation in purview of speculative philosophy sector. I would like to prove as to how this quotation is mirage like and futile one. For instance, a man goes go foot, a drunken driver of truck gets out of control and hit the man who walks with following traffic rules. He dies at spot. So I would like to question, what was fault of the innocent man? did he have abnormal mind (viparit buddhi)? Actually the driver’s fault caused the accident where the innocent man had to cost his life without his any fault. So Vinoba’s quotation does not work in this situation, because next movement is just like a closed palm. Buddha’s Dhamma is based on present tense when all good qualities are to be developed and bad qualities are to be eradicated within the mind of everybody and purify mind on his own efforts. This is the brief teaching of the Buddha. All this is to be done in present tense by him only. Buddha’s teachings are well adhered to present tense, cause and effect relationship, alertness of mind at every instant of present tense, training to mind at present. Buddha’s entire teachings for a man is like policeman, it is guiding force at every instant of life if an individual may like to tread on, through his conscience/ without hypocrisy. Buddha’s philosophy is based on present tense, there is not doubt about it. It is also well in consonance with relevant and famous proverb – Prevention (in present tense) is better than cure (in future tense), well adhered to execution of common sense in present tense only. Indeed! This is the true way of life with reason and vision of meaningful life on the earth and well harmonious to natural laws and is also beyond the extent of natural laws, because natural laws pertain to unconscious world (has its own limitations) and the Buddha’s humanitarian doctrines pertain to conscious state of mind. Buddha’s doctrines. As per philosopher Longfellow Hyperion – Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear with a manly heart. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar quoted in famous speech on Buddha or Karl Marx at Khatmandu, Nepal, dated 20th Nov. 1956 (just before 16 days of his Mahaparinirwan) ,“If we become one-tenth as enlightened as the Buddha was, we can bring about the change in us by method of love, justice and goodwill.” Compiled by Chakradhar Hadke
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 15:09:20 +0000

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