BUILDING ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WITH FAITHFULNESS! ©2007 By Apostle Bolarinwa, Afolayan Text: Haggai 2:1-9, Ezr 6:13-18 (Ex 25:1-9, II Chr 7:1-4; 36:15-20, Heb 13:9-12) Introduction: Between 609BC-605BC, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon came against the city of Jerusalem and the entire kingdom of Judah, he carried them in captive/exile down to Babylon about three times which lasted for about seventy years (II Chr. 36:15-20). The return of the Israelites from a strange land/Babylonian exile was in 538BC-536BC, Cyrus the Great, the conqueror of Babylon was the King of Persia (Ezr. 1:2-4, 3-8). About over fifty thousand Jews returned home and began to work with diligence; led by Zerubbabel the Governor of Judah, and Joshua the High Priest. The Process Involved in Fulfilling Divine Vision (1). Moses Tabernacle: The God Almighty in his relationship of covenant with his people - the Israelite showed a perfect and unblemished depiction and revelation with the knowledge and understanding of the Tabernacle in heaven, and requested his people; the Israelites through Moses their leader to build according to the pattern of the Tabernacle shown to him right there in the desert at the high place of Gibeon, he built a movable one, to have a dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant denoting the presence of God, containing the budded staff of Aaron, a golden jar of some manna and the two tablets of the commandment (Ex. 25¬¬-26, I Chr. 21:29). (2). Solomon Tabernacle: (I Chr. 13:3-7; 15:1-3; 11-16). The promise given to David and the willingness, revelation and prophecies of the promise to build a dwelling (Temple) place for the Holy One of Israel through Prophet Nathan and even David himself. But God did not permit him to do the work of the building of the glorious Temple as his dwelling place; because he was a warrior and had fought many battles and as a result had shed much blood and can not build the Temple with his hands full of blood shed. Let alone, God permitted and confirmed the promise through his son Solomon as his successor whom God eventually used in building the Temple. Several provisions were made for the building of the house of God before David’s death; giving from his treasures of gold, silver, iron, bronze, wood, money and lots more, persuading every Governors and leaders to also give provisions, cooperation with diligence to Solomon his son, because he is young and inexperienced. (I Chr. 17:1-3; 27; 22:1-19; 28:2-6; 9-13; 21; 29:1-3; 6-8; 22-24; 26-29, II Chr. 7:1-3; 6:12-13; I Chr. 22:7-10). (3). Zerubbabel Temple: The exilic Prophets prophesied the stop of captivity and the return of the Israelites to their home Land. During the seventy years of captivity, God raised up about three mighty Prophets, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel who stood out in the history of Babylonian captivity. The captivity of the Jews first occurred in 609BC-605BC by a Babylonian King called Nebuchadnezzar, and in fulfilling the prophecy he came around the southern kingdom of Israel comprised two tribes of Israel and carried away Daniel and many other Jews where they remained for seventy years (Jer. 29:10-14). In 597BC he came up against Jerusalem again and deported King Jehoiachin, Ezekiel and about 10,000 other Jews to Babylon. In 586BC he came up the third time against Jerusalem, destroyed Jerusalem, its Temple and its walls, and carried away King Zedekiah and other Jews comprised the northern kingdom were carried away in exile to Babylon. Haggai gave the Israelites the message of assurance of the fulfilment God’s promise relationship through divine provision and blessings upon the activity of men. God shook the heavens and the earth because of them and caused the Temple to be exceedingly glorious and gave peace; the relief from war. Therefore, the Temple was completed in 516BC. Conclusion: After the successes of Moses Tabernacle, Solomon Tabernacle, and Zerubbabel Temple, Herod in 20BC built a new Temple towered 15 stories high, a cutaway view which was built on the very site of the previous Tabernacles of Solomon and Zerubbabel. Herod’s 15 stories Temple built in the pattern of the old ones was completed in AD64 and the entire Tabernacle was destroyed by the Romans in AD70. Therefore, CHRIST BECAME OUR ALTAR AND SANCTUARY; the Church is his Body (Heb. 13:9-13).
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:24:10 +0000

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