Back at the end of May I shared that my apartment in Hermitage had - TopicsExpress


Back at the end of May I shared that my apartment in Hermitage had been broken into. With a lot of luck and the stars aligning correctly, we were able to get most of what was stolen returned to us. I am angered and sad to say that the complex management has been extremely unhelpful with the situation. At first, they blamed us and said that it had to be someone that we know. The police found out things at some pawn shops in East Nashville. The person who pawned them is someone I have never even heard of or spoken to before. She now has a warrant out for her arrest, but has not been caught. It is believed that she had 2-3 accomplices. 1 black female possibly in her 20s and 2 black males - we know that 1 of the males goes by the name Jamal but we have no physical description - we also believe that Jamal is a former Maintenance worker at our complex. The other male suspect is described as being in his late teens/early 20s with shoulder-length braids or dreds. The person who provided the description told police he was somewhere between 59 and 60 tall (estimating) and thin build. We have seen a male fitting this description handing around our apartment complex - he walks around the whole property, looking as though he is scoping things out. After speaking with one of the employees in the office, she told me that this person is a resident of the building next to ours. I do not know how the theives found out that we had gotten everything back, plus replaced some of the items that were stolen the first time, but last Monday, Aug 4th the theives broke into our home again. This time, they broke the window for my 12 years old bedroom and this is how they gained entry. We also believe this is how they exited the home. They are very savvy. This time they broke in, stole all of the items, got the items out of the home and managed to leave our apartment closed up and locked up so that it was not discovered until we entered the home and I went to grab something and saw that it was gone. I then walked around the house and realized that things had been moved and everything was gone again. Again, the apartment management is saying this is someone that we know and that we are being target - denying that there have been other break ins in the complex since our first break in in May. However, per crimemapping there have been at least 4-6 additional break ins at our complex between May 30th and Aug. 4th. Also, I have spoken to the Detective and he admitted that he was working on another break in in our complex which the resident had all of his guns stolen. I no longer feel safe here and I certainly do not feel that given I keep getting my house broken into that I should be paying $905 a month in rent plus all of the other BS fees they charge. I am a cardiac patient and my health is not very good. While I can still work - its only because I have a desk job. I have a lot of medical expenses and I am still paying mine & my husbands students loans - which are very very high. We are not rich but with both of us working, we manage to get by. I pay all of our neccessary living expenses and every thing that we have that was stolen was not bought on credit - we saved and saved to be able to buy all of that stuff. We cant afford renters insurance because we have a Bull Mastiff that weighs nearly 100 lbs - so the insurance companies are charging us high risk rates because of the liability. The dog is a therapy - so its not like we can just get rid of him. (my husband suffers from anxiety and depression and it was suggested that he get a dog to help with his stress & anxiety, but that was when we lived in Ohio and no doctors down here will register him as a service animal so every place I have called wont recognize him as a service animal) I know this is a super long post, but I need some advice/help/expertise on what I can do. My daughter & I both want to move, but our credit is shot - we were lucky to get approved to live here - so even though we make enough money - our credit history is horrible and we cant get approved anywhere. Plus, the majority of rentals either do not allow any pets or will not allow our large dog. I also dont know if there are victim services that we would qualify for or how I would even find out about them. Lastly, if we were able to find an affordable place that would allow our dog and accept our bad past (which we are working hard to fix), we just signed a new 12 month lease in July (because we couldnt find anything else) - so would we have grounds to break the lease w/o legal ramifications because of the failure of the apartment complex to provide adequate security?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 22:17:46 +0000

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