Back in Mumbai. Soon will be in Kolkata. Lot of makeovers coming - TopicsExpress


Back in Mumbai. Soon will be in Kolkata. Lot of makeovers coming up! A lot of people are still confused about what I do during a makeover and so I thought of taking some time out to explain it over here. When one comes to me for a makeover, it is a very personal experience. I have learnt over innumerable experiences that a lot of women come to me not only to look beautiful, but to open a new doorway to their inner selves, to rediscover or even unearth long forgotten or unknown pieces of who they really are. I guess this is why so many of my makeup muses (as I like to call them :-)) make it a point to continue taking care of how they look... because in some way, they feel stronger to face the world on their own terms, and look gorgeous while doing so! To figure out what suits you I first study your face, eyes, lips, lifestyle and personality based on which I conceptualize a look meant especially for you. I create the look on the spot and demonstrate it in steps which makes it easy for you to learn, remember and repeat. This is complemented by a before and after photo shoot where I capture the makeup properly keeping the photos as candid as possible. Just like the makeover is meant to highlight the positives of your face, my attempt during the photo shoot remains to bring out, through my lense, unique aspects of your personality... something that we lose sight of during our daily struggles or never knew of because nobody showed us who we are in a different light. These photos are posted on MM with your explicit permission and emailed to you as well. At the end of the session I give you what I like to call a prescription for the makeup that you could purchase to replicate and improvise on your new look. Sometimes some of you already own enough makeup, in which case, I just ask you to get a few extra things that could help you maintain and enhance your look further. I would like to point out here that since this is my passion and I remain a dancer by profession, I do not sell any makeup myself, nor do I have any associations with any specific brands which make me recommend them. The products that I suggest are based on my own experiences with them, and in many cases these products can be substituted with alternate brands that carry similar shades, textures and finishes. If you would like to get in touch with me for this experience, please send me an email on makeovermadness2512@gmail for details and appointments. Information and bookings are available only through this email and not from FB inbox messages or FB comments. I am taking a few makeovers in Mumbai from 3rd June to 14th June and in Kolkata from 13th June onwards. Send me an email and book from now… My time slots are filling fast, so the sooner you book, the better! Cheers!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:55:42 +0000

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