Bad Behavior to Hurt Your Friend , Why not Cherish from - TopicsExpress


Bad Behavior to Hurt Your Friend , Why not Cherish from God? When first met among people, faith is derived from the appearance, to judge from only one sense, of course, the appearance can be very many, some people a big and evil looks, some people just have a normal appearance, but some people have to give people a feeling of discomfort, such as traditional Chinese laughing Buddha Guanyin, or the appearance of compassion, a lot of people want to touch her contact with her or exchanges, is the so-called Chinese tradition a famous phase from the heart, but as time goes by through communication and interaction, you will personally feel her character. The following is a good friend of Ms A and her friend Ms. W and harmony between people, in their contacts were, Ms A deeply understand that Ms W character, of course, do not agree with Ms W everything , where the author is to let everyone know, and also allows the reader to reflect on, everyone will do something wrong, as long as the wrong thing is not to violate the laws of Hong Kong, just admit their mistakes, I believe that the other party must give you a chance and willing to forgive you, sometimes some things that are not do, I believe we have a mature and wise person would not hurt to do some harm to others and their own thing, of course, some things may not related to with Ms A, but people get along, they want to experience some things happen and only some people deeply appreciate the true personality to be able to pick your real friends, this is a God given you a chance to get to hone in some bits and pieces of your life, do not let your life become white paper. When Anyone introduce man to another friend, of course, must have felt good , then to introduced, of course, there is no perfect person in the world , but also rely on the future of communication between the two sides, if Ms. W kept saying how poor and bad in these countries people, and instill some negative thoughts to Ms. A, its not good ……if Ms. W feel that this nationality people all are bad guy, why do you want to introduce to your friend ? but Ms W initiative to introduce, not Ms. A request, Ms. W continue introduce many many to Ms A , but when Ms. W introduced one to Ms. A, Ms. W usually would say this guy is not good, the cycle continues, of course, Ms A will rely on their own observations, who is Ms. A favorite, when Ms. A dislike someone, and also refused, when Ms A meet a lovely man, , even if Ms. W wishing to introduce down, Ms. A refusal will be made, Ms. A emotional relationship is very clear that when a old relationship was end then begin another new relationship, sometimes, or even Ms. A want to stop know man, what Ms. W introduced so much, what is the reason behind? only Ms. W to know ...... When Ms. A know Mr. P by personal, Ms. A have a good feeling to Mr. P , because Mr. P same also know Ms. W, because Mr. P and Ms W is linked to business , only have man and female in this world , but as a business relationship, your business partner is a female that not a strange , but can not affect business partner’s personal life as only just a business partner , in fact, Ms A and Mr. P can meet up by themselves, but Mr. P is the respect for Ms W, required Ms W arrange an appointment with Ms. A, Mr. P given Ms. A from the beginning to the end there is a good feeling , Ms. W know Mr. P very long time, but Ms. W introduced many man to Ms. A, in fact, Ms W can introduced many many to Ms A, but Ms W chose not to introduce Mr. P to Ms A, to Mr. P requires only introduced to Ms a, of course, Mr. P must have a crush on Ms A was required Ms W introduce and meet up , after the introduction , Mr. P also grateful to Ms W introduced Ms A says to thank you , in fact , Ms W for Mr. P is also a good impression, otherwise to introduce everyone to Ms A chose not to introduce Mr. P, and after the story is , Ms W make some things to hurt Ms A, when Ms A become Mr. P’s girl friend, of course, they will Meet meals , often sent messages and Mr. P also invited Ms A to Mr. P s home visit , Mr. P hope Ms A to know him more because Mr. P is not a Hong Kong citizen, work in not own country , of course, hope that more people care and understanding , to Mr. P home visit is just an common thing , Ms A feeling as a friend stand had told Ms W, Ms. A and Mr. P so in love, but never told Ms. W about Ms . A and Mr. P daily matters , but Ms. W about a lot of lying , says Ms. A w are all told , Ms W in telling many lies , so to Ms. A and Mr. P is a situation to seperate ,Ms. A is very clear that Ms. W like Mr. P, so Ms A don’t tell to Ms. W anything about daily matters between Ms. A & Mr. P, about Ms. W how to know Mr. P invite Ms. A to visit his house that is not important , the most important thing is Ms. W like Mr. P, do not want Mr. p together with any woman , in particular, Ms. W don’t want Ms. A together with Mr. P, as Ms. W’s character like to win for everything , and can not lose’s character , but Ms. W also said that much of what harm Ms. A, Ms. W said in Hong Kong. Mr. P all my friends know that Mr. P are married and have children , but then Ms. A asked Mr. P, Mr. P said he was unmarried , and Ms. A choose to believe Mr. P, because Ms. W it is just too much lying , there is no convincing to believe Ms. W, Ms. A certainly understand that moment choose to believe Mr. P, there are all the prepared mind , Ms. W also said to Ms A that Mr. P does not love you , remember Ms. A & Ms. W originally a pair of friends, often dinner at a restaurant , but now Ms. W done many things to hurt her friend Ms. A, Ms W has told to Ms. A that about Mr. P personal information and application documents write Mr. P are married , Ms. W so doing that is hoped Mr. P and the other lady is not married, and in fact Mr. P is unmarried , in our laws is false information , type of thing is to be held responsible , normal company would not do that , even if the customer requirements, as document processing middleman absolute responsibility to remind the guests unless that men do not intend to get married, the Government may also not be found, but fortunately Mr. P required to write back as single , before a few days , Ms W also telephoned Ms A, but Ms. A does not answer this call, then Ms. A choose to sent messages to Ms. W to ask what matters , Ms. W asked Ms. A that want to get Mr. P address , in fact, Ms. W should be knew Ms. A personality , Ms. A ask Ms W that Why do not you call Mr. P and ask him ? Why should know his address ? and meantime, Ms W s boyfriend Mr. M also asked Ms A former boyfriend address, but Ms. A former boyfriend already married and already moved to other place , Ms A asked to Ms. W boyfriend Mr. M that why want to get Ms A former boyfriend s old address , people have to move , what purpose ? Hong Kong emphasizes private ordinance , finally , Ms. A said I don’t know, if you want to know , you can go to their place of work to find them , ask them , Ms A said to Ms. W in text, asking the normal thing is no problem but no need to talk about past things, but Ms. W talked about the past thing, Ms. W also continued to say that all her saying are true and said herself did not wrong , this is Ms A personal experience , Ms W lying ,so to Ms A and Mr. P separated and Ms A is a Mr. P girl friend, to do all things between Ms. A & Mr. P that is not Ms. W business , but Ms. W also said she all are true and did not wrong , therefore, in this dialogue which , so to make Ms. A have a bad feeling , and after , Ms A message back saying that I would willing to forgive you, but I will not believe you again , not want to have any communication with you again , because you are lier and everything is lie, and after , Ms. W said, I do not need to your forgiving as not wrong , in fact , anyone will do wrong thing , I believe that a child can know that lying is wrong , Ms W should tell lies to make to Ms. A and Mr. P broke , Ms. W should win everything , in fact, Ms. W is a lot of things wrong , but she refused to admit that she was wrong . Ms W admits a lot of boyfriends, but which one is the most intimate boyfriend, who often said that her lover have other woman, frankly speaking, admits herself have many boy friend , how can she require her lover without any woman? this is not fair. Moreover, for any relationship , the best is end one relationship then to begin and to carry out another new relationship , because if you do not clear it, which would hurt people. Hong Kong emphasizes privancy , because Ms. W which have closed boyfriend Mr. M, is not a Hong Kong citizen, so Ms. W application on his behalf calling card , Ms. W staff to teach her, if two phone cards are used Ms. W application , if have any messages sent to Ms. W boy friend Mr. M, in the same time , telecom company can also sent all about Mr. M messages to Ms. W mobile, so Ms. W can read all about her boy friend’s Mr. M message, this is some unethical behavior and is a violation of peoples privancy , do not talk about privancy problems , if you are as his girlfriend , when you know many things, you only get to hurt. Ms W ‘s colleagues , it is clear that the characteristics of men , why her colleague tell this to Ms. W? Ms. W colleague told these things to Ms. W, was not good for Ms. W , is detrimental to Ms. W, Ms. W doing so will only increase his own unhappy with her boyfriend , only increase friction and speed up the possibility of breaking up , and Ms. W is an age of mature lady , you should know what to do and what is not done , though someone told you , but you also have the power to choose to do and not do , on the contrary , Ms. A choice to do a stupid woman, what do not want to know , just want to be loyal to a man , I believe his man , Ms. A don’t want to doubt her lover saying is true or false , just want to be loyal and believe her lover. Moreover, Ms. A feel Ms W as her friend, so when Ms A and Mr. P fell in love, there is a send Message to Ms W, when Ms. A discovery Ms W lying on that moment, Ms. W Tell Ms. A and recognize that have you told me all about you and Mr. P thing, have already forwarded to Mr. P, This is unethical behavior, when Ms. A and Ms. Ws friends know that , it only makes this wonder why Ms.W wicked things, suggested Ms. A that this is a experienced to understood Ms. W real character, don’t communicate with Ms. W again, two days before, when Ms W contact Ms. A, Ms. W also constantly speaking, all are true and all that she did nothing wrong . Ladies and gentlemen, anyone will do something wrong, whether at work, between friends, between men and women, anyone have irrational and not sober period, will do something wrong, when you reflect on later, if so you are willing to admit mistakes , others will certainly willing to forgive you and give you the opportunity, on the contrary, Ms. W is the pursuit of victory at all times, unwilling to admit that she was wrong, it will only continue to go wrong, you will lose even more, when you are in Christian baptism, Jesus also say that you are a new creature, old things are passed away. Would like to remind all reader that, if wrong, it does not matter, acknowledge and repent, you will get a bigger and cherish all you have from God. Thanks God for everything. 當人與人之間初次相識, 信心是來自外觀, 只從一個感覺去判斷, 當然外觀亦可分很多種, 有些人一副大奸大惡的外貌, 有些人只擁有一個普通的外貌, 但有些人卻給予人一個舒服的感覺, 如中國傳統的觀音或笑佛慈悲的外貌, 很多人想接觸她與她聯系或交往, 正所謂中國傳統一句名言”相由心生” , 但日子久了, 經過溝通及交往後, 你會親身感受到她的為人及品格. 以下是一位要好的朋友Ms A 與她的友人Ms. W 之間的交往及相處, 在她們的交往當中, Ms A深深認識到Ms W品格, 當然Ms A是不認同Ms W所作的一切, 在此撰文是希望讓大家知道及藉此亦可讓閱讀者反思, 任何人也會做錯事, 只要錯的事不是違反香港的法例, 只要承認自己的錯誤, 相信對方一定給予你一個機會及願諒你, 有時候有些事情, 是不能幹的, 相信大家亦是成熟及有智慧的人, 不會做一些傷害他人又傷害自己的事, 當然有些事情, 未必與Ms A 帶有太大的關係, 但人與人相處, 總要有些事情發生及經歷, 才深深體會到一些人真正的人格, 才能夠挑選你真正的朋友, 這是一個上天給予你的一個機會好好磨練, 在你一生中有些點點滴滴, 不會讓你的人生變成白紙. 任何人介紹任何人認識時, 當然一定感覺好才介紹, 當然人是沒有完美的, 亦要靠日後雙方之間的溝通, 但絕對不會介紹完之後, 不斷說這些國藉的人如何差如何壞, 及灌輸一些負面的思想, 如果Ms. W感覺這個國籍所有也是壞人, 你為何要介紹呀? 而且是Ms W主動介紹的, 不是Ms. A 要求的, Ms. W 不斷介紹無數無數的人給Ms. A, 但介紹完一個, Ms. W通常就會說這個不好, 不斷循環下去, 當然, Ms A 會靠自己觀察, 誰是Ms. A喜歡的, 當Ms. A遇到不喜歡的, 亦會拒絕, 當遇到一個合適的話, 就算Ms. W希望介紹下去, Ms. A亦會作出拒絕, Ms. A的感情關係弄得很清楚, 當完了一段關係才開展另一段關係, 有時, 甚至乎Ms. A 亦會停止認識任何人, 究竟Ms. W 介紹那麼多, 背後的原因是甚麼? 只有Ms. W才知道…… 當Ms. A認識到Mr. P時, Ms. A 對Mr. P感覺良好, 因為Mr. P同樣亦認識Ms. W, 因為Mr. P與Ms W生意上是有聯系的, 做生意還做生意, 這個世界不是男就是女, 做生意遇上是一位女性完全不奇怪, 但不可能利用生意上的關係影響對方的私人生活, 其實Ms A 與Mr. P可以自行相約見面, 但Mr. P是尊重Ms W, 要求Ms W 安排約見Ms. A, Mr. P給予Ms. A 由開始到終結也有一個良好的感覺, Ms. W很早已認識Mr. P, 但Ms. W介紹眾多的男子給Ms. A, 在Ms. A認識Mr. P前, 事實上Ms W是可以介紹給Ms A, 但Ms W偏偏不介紹Mr. P給Ms A , 到了Mr. P要求時才介紹給Ms A, 當然Mr. P一定對Ms A 有好感才要求Ms W介紹及相約見面, 介紹完之後, Mr. P亦有向Ms W說多謝介紹了Ms A給他認識, 其實, Ms W對Mr. P亦有好感, 否則, 介紹所有人給Ms A偏偏不介紹Mr. P, 及之後的故事就是, Ms W 做出一些事情傷害Ms A , 當Ms A與Mr. P成為情侶後, 當然大家會相約食飯, 經常傳訊息及Mr. P亦邀請Ms A到Mr. P的家参觀, Mr. P希望Ms A了解他更多, 因為Mr. P不是香港人, 在異地工作, 當然希望更多人關心及了解, 到Mr. P家參觀只是一個普通的事, Ms A感覺作為朋友立場, 有告訴Ms W, Ms. A和Mr. P在熱戀中, 但從來沒有告訴Ms. W有關Ms. A 與Mr. P每日行蹤, 但Ms. W講了很多大話, 說Ms. A 所有野都講了, Ms W 在講大話, 令到Ms. A與Mr. P的一段情告吹, 清楚Ms. W 是喜歡Mr. P, 所以Ms A 不會告訴每日行跡給Ms. W, 而Ms. W 從何知道是不重要, 最重要是Ms. W喜歡Mr. P, 不希望Mr. p與任何女人一起, 特別是自己的朋友Ms A , 因為這位Ms W事事都要勝力, 不能輸的性格, 而且Ms. W亦說很多說話傷害Ms. A , Ms. W 說在香港Mr. P的所有朋友也知道Mr. P是已婚及有子女, 但之後Ms. A問Mr. P, Mr. P說他是未婚, 而Ms. A 選擇相信Mr. P, 因為Ms. W 實在講得太多大話, 根本再沒有說服力, 令人相信Ms. W , Ms. A 當然明白這一刻選擇相信Mr. P, 亦有一切心裡準備, Ms W 亦對Ms A說Mr. P不愛你, 請記著Ms. A & Ms.W原先是一對朋友, 經常相約吃飯, 在初相識Mr. P時, Ms W 已將Mr. P的私人資料告知給Ms. A及申請文件時想寫Mr. P是已婚, Ms. W這樣做法即是希望Mr. P不和其他女士結婚, 而且Mr. P是未婚的, 在香港法律上是虛報資料, 是要負上型事責任, 正常公司是不會這樣做, 就算客戶要求, 作為處理文件的中間人絕對有責任提醒客人, 除非這男士不打算結婚, 可能政府亦不能發現, 但幸運的是Mr. P要求寫回單身, 前幾天, Ms W 還致電給Ms A , 但Ms. A 沒有接聽這電話, 以傳訊息與Ms. W聯系, Ms. W問Ms. A 有關於這位男士的地址, 其實Ms. W應該很楚Ms. A 性格, Ms. A 問為何你不致電給他及問他? 為何要知道他的地址? 而Ms W 的男友Mr. M亦問Ms A 前男友地址, 但Ms. A前度男友已結緍, 已搬了其他地方居住, Ms. W 的男友Mr. M為何要Ms A前男友的舊地址, 人已搬, 還有甚麼作用? 香港講求私穏, 最後, Ms. A 對Ms. W 及 Ms. W 的男友Mr. M說不知道, 如果你想知, 你可以去他們工作地方找他們, 問他們, Ms A 在訊息內已說問正常事情是沒問題, 但Ms. W 偏偏要提及以往的事, Ms. W還不斷在說, 說她自己所說的話所有是真的及說自己沒有錯, 這是Ms A的親身經歷, Ms W講大話令到Ms A 和Mr. P分開, 而且Ms A和Mr. P是情侶, 情侶之間發生甚麼事與Ms W有甚麼關係, 還繼續說自己沒有錯及講所有事也是真, 因此, 在這對話當中, 令到Ms. A 好拒抗, 及後, Ms A 回訊息說, 我會願諒你, 但我不再會相信你, 亦不想再和你有任何溝通, 因為你所說全是大話, 及後, Ms. W 說, 我不需要你願諒, 我沒有錯, 其實, 任何人也會做錯事, 相信一位小朋友都能夠知道講大話是錯的, Ms W 還要講大話去令到Ms. A 與Mr. P分手, Ms. W 事事都要勝利, 其實Ms. W 是做錯很多事, 但她不肯承認自己是錯. Ms W 自己承認有很多男朋友, 但當中有一個是最親密的男朋友, 經常說這位男朋友有其他女朋友, 老實說, 自己承認有很多男朋友, 為何要求自己的另外一半沒有其他女朋友, 這是不公平. 而且, 任何一段關係最好是終結了才開展另外一段新關係. 如果不弄清楚的話, 當中是會傷害到人. 香港人講求私穏, 因為Ms. W的其中一位要好的男朋友, 不是香港人, 所以Ms. W替他申請電話卡, Ms. W 的職員教她, 如果2張電話卡都是用Ms. W 申請, 可以將她男友的電話所有訊息同時也發給Ms. W , 這是一些缺德的行為及是侵犯他人的私穏, 不談論私穏的問題, 你作為他的女朋友, 你知道又如何? Ms W 的同事也是男性, 很清楚男士的特性, 為何將這些告訴Ms. W , Ms. W 同事告訴這些事給Ms. W , 不是為Ms. W 著想, 是害Ms. W, Ms. W 這樣做, 只會增加自己不開心, 只會增加與男友的磨擦及加快分手的可能性, 而且Ms. W 是一位年齡成熟的女士, 應該知道甚麼是可以做, 甚麼是不可以做, 雖然有人告訴你, 但你亦有權力選擇做與不做, 反之, Ms. A 選擇做一位愚蠢的女人, 甚麼也不想知道, 只想忠於一個男人, 相信自己的另一伴, 不去探究另一半所講的是真或假, 只是想忠於她的另一伴, 相信她的另一伴. 而且, Ms. A 當Ms W 是朋友, 所以當Ms A和Mr. P相戀時, 是有發訊息給Ms W, 當Ms. A 發現Ms W講大話這一刻, Ms. W 親自傳訊息給Ms. A說已將你告知我所有你有關和Mr. P的事情, 轉寄給Mr. P, 相識Ms. A 及Ms. W的朋友們知道後, 只覺得為何Ms.W做出這缺德的事, 建議Ms. A 當是認識一個人真面目, 不應再和Ms. W 聯系, 前2天, 當Ms W聯系Ms. A時, 還不斷講, 所有全部也是真及說自己沒有做錯. 各位, 任何人也會做錯事, 無論在工作上, 在朋友之間, 在男女之間, 也有不理智不清醒的時候, 也會做錯事, 當你反思後, 若然你願意承認錯誤, 他人也一定會願諒你及給予你機會, 反之, 時時刻刻都追求勝利, 不願承認自己是錯, 只會繼續錯下去, 你損失將會更多, 當你在基督教洗禮時, 耶稣也在說, 你是新造的人, 舊事已過. 希望在此提醒大家, 如有錯, 不打緊, 承認及悔改, 你的得著將會更大及珍惜你所有的一切 youtube/watch?v=4lK7pB8Bt1k
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:18:58 +0000

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