Bananas are exceptionally healthy as they provide numerous health - TopicsExpress


Bananas are exceptionally healthy as they provide numerous health benefits. It is a versatile fruit that contains many nutrients including vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. Just as eating a banana helps in keeping your body in good health and great shape, application of this fruit on your hair and skin will help you to keep them in great condition. banana benefits 4. Supports renal health: Bananas being a rich source of potassium, if consumed regularly in moderation, promote renal health. The International Journal of Cancer states that Bananas being a rich source of antioxidant phenolic compounds, if consumed together with cabbage and root vegetables protect renal health. 5. Improves nerve function and enhances brain power: Banana is a rich source of B vitamins and therefore perks up nerve function. Potassium, in banana keeps the mental faculties vigilant and boosts learning abilities. 6. Decreases the risk of stroke: Studies indicate that regular intake of bananas in daily diet helps reduce the occurrence of stroke and this is due to the high amount of potassium. 7. Reduces the risk of cancer: Rich in antioxidants and dietary fibre, consumption of bananas reduce risk of various types of cancer, especially bowel cancer. 8. Helps build healthy bones: Probiotic bacteria present in bananas is said to have astonishing ability to absorb calcium in the body. Hence, consuming bananas help in building better bones. 9. Enhances digestive ability: It is very rich in fructooligosaccharide which acts as a probiotic (friendly bacteria). It stimulates the growth and activity of probiotics in the colon and produces enzymes that enable absorption of nutrients thus enhancing the digestive ability and preventing unfriendly bacteria from harming the body. 10. Helps combat stomach ulcers: Certain substances in bananas stimulate the cells which make up the stomach lining, this enables production of a thicker protective mucus barrier against stomach acids. Also the substance known as protease inhibitors in banana, help getting rid of bacteria in the stomach that produces stomach ulcers, thus protecting against damage of stomach and ulcer. [ Read: indian jujube ] 11. Helps in controlling diarrhoea: Raw bananas are astringent in nature and are effective in treatment for diarrhoea. They also regulate fluid balance. 12. Relieve from constipation: Pectin found in Bananas, help to alleviate constipation and improves bowel function. 13. Helps in curing piles: Since bananas help regulate bowel movement they help cure piles. 14. Helps regulating anaemia: Bananas are good for Anaemic patients as they contain high levels of iron which help regulate the haemoglobin levels in the body. 15. Helps alleviating heartburn: The antacid substance in banana gives immense relief from heartburn 16. Prevents allergies: The presence of benign amino acids in banana helps combat allergies. 17. Helps withdrawing smoking urge: Vitamins B6 and B12 along with magnesium and Potassium in Bananas helps recover from nicotine addiction 18. Helps recovering from hangover: Bananas when blended with honey and yoghurt cures hangover. 19. Enhance weight gain: The combination of milk and bananas enhances weight gain. Bananas provide the body with necessary natural sugars and milk provides protein. 20. Bananas benefits for weight loss: Bananas contain loads of fibre and low amounts of fat and they are also easily digestible. A banana of 100 grams contains approx. 90 calories. And taking into consideration all its benefits it will not hurt including it into your diet. So dear weight watchers don’t eliminate banana from your diet completely. 21. Prevents insomnia: Bananas are rich in amino acids known as Tryptophan. This substance triggers production of melatonin (sleep hormone) which induces sleep. Eating banana a few hours before bedtime ensures a peaceful night’s sleep. 22. Reduces inflammation due to mosquito bites: Itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites can be reduced by rubbing the inside of a banana on it. 9. Enhances digestive ability:
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 12:25:24 +0000

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