Barn Kitty Update for 07 October 2014: Hi All, A very good morning - TopicsExpress


Barn Kitty Update for 07 October 2014: Hi All, A very good morning at the barn. The weather didn’t cooperate so we didn’t get to the outside work, but we kept busy. It rained cats and dogs while we were up there. I do love hearing the rain on a tin roof. We had a beautiful full moon this morning. I tried to take some pictures early but they were just average. I’ll probably include one photo just so you’ll see the full moon… Bart had the duty this morning and did all the usual chores. Nor much of a mess to clean up. While waiting for Eric to arrive, Tim and Bart did a few extra chores. All the shelters now have new straw. We even put new straw in the four shelters on the patio. Again, there were a ton of kitties (including Christian) in the big wooden shelter. I took a video of the kitties eating their morning treats. The file is too big for our usual e-mail so I’ll upload it on FaceBook for everyone. Before we get into the chores I need to update folks on the little orange kitty. Remember, yesterday I told you we needed a name for her? Well, I was thinking about Tigger (from Tigger the tiger in Winnie the Pooh) for her. However, Dawn suggested Pumpkin and I thought that was a terrific name. Any other suggestions? If not, then we will probably go with Pumpkin. Appropriate for October and Halloween. Now we just need to catch her and get her checked and spayed. Larry, Bart, Eric and Tim were at the barn this morning. We accomplished lots more than we thought we would. Again, we couldn’t dig the drainage tile for the downspout because it was pouring down rain. We did get the new fluorescent light hung. Not as simple as we thought. The light fixture is about 20 feet in the air and getting the ladders in place and changing the light bulb socket to a plug in receptacle was a challenge. However, after a couple of hours and a broken bulb we got it in place and working like a charm. It will be terrific to have more lighting this winter when the barn doors are shut. Thanks to Eric for his expertise. We also built frames and covered them with clear plastic to block the doors to the outside in the unused stalls on the east side of the barn. That will cut down the wind and cold this winter. Finally, we installed R-10 insulation foam board on the outside walls of stalls one and two. That should help keep the heat in the kitty inside area. We covered the foam boards with plywood to further insulate. So, winterizing is coming along just fine. Tomorrow Tim and Larry are going to check costs for a load of crushed stone so we can finish up the inside aisle way and keep the dust down. Early next week we are going to add shelves to the inside aisle way and new high shelves on the patio. Being up high is really popular with the kitties. When the cold weather comes we plan on covering some of the patio screen with tarps to keep the wind out but let the kitties go outside if they want. Our guess is that many of the kitties will want to be outside as much as they can. They survived 40 below zero outside last year so they probably will want to get as much sun and fresh air as they can. We dont want to close off the stalls too tightly because we want fresh air to circulate so they will stay healthy and not have any respritory problems. Not much else happening. I’ll include some pictures of the workers and a couple of kitty pictures along with the video…
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:26:10 +0000

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