Barry Irvine Remember the sacrifice; Remember democratic - TopicsExpress


Barry Irvine Remember the sacrifice; Remember democratic freedoms! Meanwhile here in NB: Alward (Premier) told me he fully supports bilingualism in NB - in response to my concerns and proposals for removing discrimination from the current system. He more recently excluded English from the meetings to review the Language Laws that we show discriminate against us and allowed French Lawyer groups and all French only lobbyists from Quebec and NB to secretly meet behind closed doors!!! Democracy being violated RIGHT in our faces! Just like the Education Minister saying the stakeholder forces them to violate our right to distinct educational institutions and not preserve and promote English equally as Section 16.1 of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms stipulates! Sign Laws that violate our Freedom of Expression allowed because they promote the French identity in Canada. That is the notwithstanding clause they used to ignore our legitimate concerns about Rights Violations. Your tax dollars, majority, are being used to discriminate against you. Ineffective representation and an agenda of exploitation by lobbyists and Quebec concerns... That is not bilingualism and that is NOT DEMOCRACY! Just like my MLA saying theyve gone too far when referring to the Hospital going French in Campbellton. He lost it when I said this divisiveness was going to lead to violence and bloodshed and civil war. He just shouted out WELL LET THEM! My wife was at this meeting as well. THEY KNOW about Frenchification!!! The Ombudsman and the Canadian Constitutional Federation of Lawyers group both replied that this is beyond the scope of their office - despite their mission statement or mandate stating that is why they exist. This is so deeply routed into the fabric of Canadian (Quebec) politics that the UN ignores us. This is why all our representatives feign ignorance and play along with this unethical charade of bilingualism!! We have no Democratic representation and are being openly discriminated against by our own government. This isnt just ineffective representation - this is misrepresentation to the degree of outright criminal behaviour. This is subversive and harmful to the English majority! It takes away from equal representation and promotion of our heritage. We have less opportunity in employment and the more and more we see French only hospitals, colleges, towns, etc the less we will be able to provide for our families. This is outright discrimination and trying to hide this Frenchification efforts in the guise of bilingualism shows the immoral and unethical character of our leaders and the advocates of this attempt to make Canada French or destroy it trying. They are succeeding at both. What more do you need? What will it take for you to stand up to this bullying? Why are you foresaking the sacrifice of all those who fought and/or died for our Freedoms? YOU have to tell your government that you will no longer tolerate this institutional racism of theirs. We shouldnt be paying taxes if we have no democracy - that is the basic premise of the whole system! We never fail until we stop trying - we just have to inform the majority that they have to start trying! It is not too late and there IS something YOU CAN DO! The Majority pays the Majority of TAXES! EVERYONE write to your MLA, MP and the PREMIER and state that you will not pay taxes. Tell them you want your mail and identity kept secret so there is no backlash. DO IT or STAY HOME ON NOV 11TH!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:47:49 +0000

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