Basically, in spite of the undeniable fact that Obama’s programs - TopicsExpress


Basically, in spite of the undeniable fact that Obama’s programs (like Obamacare) are destroying America’s economy, he has the gall to say that if Congress doesn’t do what he wants done, then not only will unemployment continue to rise, but race relations will worsen. Yet, he and other Democrats are totally behind immigration “reform” that will do nothing but hurt those people already having a tough time getting or keeping jobs because of the economy that Obama has done nothing to help This article recommends looking up the North American Union in which Canada, the United States and Mexico become one country, such as in Europe. In 2000, it was recommended in policies by a Mr. Fox, who insinuates something along the lines of the borders being opened by 2010. Does this curiously unknown Union start to make any sense when you see our government refusing to secure the Mexican/American border, refusing to allow border patrol to detail illegals, see our government pushing so hard to Immigration Reform/Amnesty, and even see our President, and wife, spending time on Thanksgiving Day with the group camped out on the national mall in a hunger strike for Amnesty? Well, how about this one. Does anyone remember that press release by Diane Feinstein in which she was speaking in front of a map of the entire North American continent, and the entire land mass was colored in red with the name, The Homeland over it? Our country is moving in a direction to destroy our sovereign borders, as evidenced by Kerry signing of the UN Small Arms Treaty, with Obamas urging. It is moving in a direction to destroy capitalism and entrepreneurship. It is moving in a direction of Socialism, literal control and slavery of an entire nation of citizens. And, it is inviting in two other countries for the slaughter. Now does the UN Agenda 21 make more sense? The UN has more control over the government of this country, and we appear to be the starting point for this agenda. With the EPA taking control of more land, resources, etc. That is a major part of Agenda 21, and people will be relocated into cities, forced off of rural lands, so the elite in the government and UN can take control. The government has been amassing huge quantities of ammunition and weaponry for over a year now, and training military style domestic forces to control the populations. We currently have UN troops here in the United States, training along with DHS domestic military forces. It is rumored that we have 80 government agencies who are armed and trained. Armed and trained for what? Once this government can control our healthcare, manages disarmament of the civilians, which by the way, UN troops have been told to shoot any citizen not complying, there wont be much to stop them. Wake up America! UN Agenda 21 is here, and is being pushed through by our President, our governmental agencies, and is even educating our children to be compliant little soldiers and citizens through Common Core.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:55:54 +0000

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