Be Careful Where You Drink By Paul Chappell Monday, Aug 5, - TopicsExpress


Be Careful Where You Drink By Paul Chappell Monday, Aug 5, 2013 "Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well." Proverbs 5:15 If you have ever traveled in other countries, you have probably received the advice, “Don’t drink the water.” But it is not just third world countries where water poses a danger. In 1999, hundreds of attendees at the Washington County Fair in New York became seriously ill after drinking water that had been contaminated by E. coli bacteria. Two people—a young child and an elderly man—died. Authorities believe that runoff from a stock barn may have contaminated the water supply, making it dangerous. In detailing for his son the importance of purity and faithfulness to his wife, Solomon placed great emphasis on being satisfied with what God has given you. · Solomon foolishly did not heed his own counsel and God’s commandments in this area, · Solomon nevertheless highlights a key point we must remember o The pursuit of satisfaction outside the means of satisfaction God has provided always leads to tragedy. The first temptation in the Garden of Eden offered knowledge and the opportunity to “be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). · The devil used the same tactics in the temptation of Christ—inviting Him to avoid the cross and take authority over the world by worshipping Satan. · The devil found out that where Adam failed the test, Christ triumphed, refusing to use any means except those ordained and provided by God. · This principle is true in every area of life, but is particularly applicable to the area of marriage. Our society encourages people to look outside the marriage relationship for satisfaction. · This is a deadly mistake. If you are not content with what God has given you, you will certainly not be content with something new. · This do: Instead give thanks for what He has given you, and keep the vows you have made. Today’s Proverbs Precept: Trust God to provide for your needs, and you will save yourself from great heartache.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 11:55:23 +0000

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