Be Golani guy, that curse the rain and mud of now, But - TopicsExpress


Be Golani guy, that curse the rain and mud of now, But insisting to go out at night ambush. Call mom calm, And tell Dad that not true you in the sun or in Bethlehem. It understand the fear of the citizens, Without knowing if they understand your fear. This peek at the setting sun, And know that only now starting today. Be Golani guy is ask a lot of questions about death, Without getting an answer to one of life. Losing comrades in arms, but not the hope, Madness eyes and clarity of mind. Hear about the past in Lebanon, as tomorrow we Judea. Feel a sense of revenge after each attack, But do not be cruel west of the checkpoint. Be Golani guy this dream of traveling abroad and the area A To bite loop, and imagine it Sawrmh. Be Golani guy is to see the view from the window of the bus, And know that there march. This stitch cardboard targets, but breathe the battle. Curse three years, and think thats not enough, Jitter bouncing from home, but to recognize the right exit. To this part of the Golani guy courage varying degrees of fear, This profound evil, but always discovering more This pitch black, but white night. This angry about the company waited and finally left, That you do not come home without letting you know yourself when you return. Only injured by shrapnel from the heart. Looking soldiers with red berets, When you have red eyes. This being Golani guy Beaufort and Hermon, Tel Fakhr Tel Fares and solouk, And ink flag in Eilat, and the Golan Heights and Lebanon and the Land of Israel. This finish Hermon journey when you love the land spread out at your feet. Be Golani guy this past, present and future, And dream and hope and sunsets and rivers and mountains and sunrises, And where, and constant fatigue, and religious and secular, Homesick and shock, always hand holding a weapon. This first think about the country, and always strive for more. It does not give what you interfere with those who you can be. Ground soaked with blood, and we are here for you, Your safety. Love the people, love the motherland. Swear eternal Jerusalem that Be Golani guy first of all be a man
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:32:52 +0000

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