Be The Example “In the same way, let your light shine before - TopicsExpress


Be The Example “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16 Everything that we do in life sets an example for our children to follow. The things we do, and how we conduct our lives affects others in our work places, our homes, and in our neighborhoods, and our children sees this through us. Everyone we come into contact with, we have a chance to influence by our actions. If we are fair in all our business dealings; if we are always in control of our emotions and positive in everything we do, we will send the message that we are in control of our lives, and this is the message our children needs to see through us. However, if we are out to take advantage of others, and seem to not know where we are going in life, and negative about all the things that happen, we are going to send the message to our children that we are not in control. Our goal should always be one of being a positive influence on everyone we meet. We should be the one that they will look up to, and be their positive influence. Almost everyone is bombarded with negativism in their lives from influences in their workplaces, the media, and sometimes even from their families and friends. God wants us to let our lights shine before all men, that they will see the good deeds that we are doing. We need to live our lives without reproach, and in a way that we will inspire our children, and also others in a positive manner. Our friends, neighbors and families need to see that following God’s commands, can bring a peace and joy in our lives, and should give them a glimpse of what they can expect in their lives by living for God themselves. Our children need to know that we have prepared them to know the things that are right and wrong, and have given them a head start in knowing how to deal with their difficulties. Our children need to know that God knows all things about them, and that they are also accountable to God for their actions in addition to being accountable to their parents. If we, as parents, are doing our jobs in preparing our children, and training them in the things they are to do and not to do, this will be the beginning of establishing the foundation for them and their families. Our children will know that God is at the forefront of our lives, and need to be the center of their lives as well. The responsibility to train our children in the way they should go, is up to the father and mother. With God at the center of our own lives, and in control, we will have the start to building a firm foundation for our children. God will then build on this foundation in our children’s lives and fulfill his plan for them. My Daily Devotional Volume Two March 17
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:58:42 +0000

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