Be aware of the little things, in what (which/who) the little - TopicsExpress


Be aware of the little things, in what (which/who) the little things may actually bring you. Me....unless someone already said it I just woke up from a 5 hour nap (nap..haha) at my parents house in Indiana as I write this. Earlier oday at 4am, I hit the road to head out of town to visit a dear friends (and friends) funeral for their 15 yr-old daughter. The sleepless night before had set the tone for my 3 hour drive alone. As I hit I-65 South, I put on a cd that I had chosen from my cd collection. I had chosen a few songs from different cds and just had them on repeat as I had intended. One of the songs were Time after Time by Cindy Lauper, but I had the soundtrack version from the movie Strictly Ballroom. I also had with me my Toad the Wet Sprocket cd and had Somethings Always Wrong on repeat as well. I also had a few others. Between these two songs and others, I had a time of coming to grips with the lost of my friends daughter whom I have never met, but had been greatly impacted by her strength and resolve in her fight against cancer. She, and her family had touched many across the world, not just me. Anyway, I share this because as you may know, the fog was incredibly thick this morning on my drive and it would be in that drive that would also be part of a healing process to help me cope with what was going on. In that fog was a journey of unclarity, and it would only be light or points of light that would help guide me in the direction that I needed to go safely to my destination. Fittingly enough, Keep on Shining is/was the theme for Maddys life in this fight that she was fighting that many fear. But not her. Also, fitting for my drive anyway was, Time after Time and in the lyrics it sings, if youre lost you can look and you will find me.....time after time, if you fall I will catch you and Ill be waiting....time after time. Also fitting is the quote from the movie, Strictly Ballroom, that I always keep in heart, A life half-lived is a life lived in fear. In these instances, Maddy and her family were the ones there for each other time after time, Father, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friends and in a life not lived in fear but in perfect love, which casts out all fear. A life not half-lived, but a full life. I say this again; Be aware of the little things, in what (which/who) the little things may actually bring you., because as I woke up from my nap, I read an e-mail totally unrelated from another friend forwarding me information about empowering parents with educational resources in Chicago. In the e-mail was a quote that read, Justice is what love looks like in public ...and then the fog begins to lift. Thank you Maddy Justice and the Justice family for sharing your lives with us. Keep on Shining!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:34:38 +0000

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