Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have - TopicsExpress


Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2 us to show Your hospitality and be salt and light in this dark world. Let our light shine brightly so that we make new friends and share the Good News about You...Anna Heavenly Father, many times we have seen people walking on the side of the road. As a woman, I have been warned that it is not wise to stop. But, what if??? What if that person is lost and just needs someone to guide them. I have prayed for Godly men and women who share their stories of picking up hitch-hikers. I pray You will watch over and protect the ones who are willing to stop and lend a helping hand. After all, they may be entertaining angels. Lord, I thank You for answered prayers. I thank You that Vodine is doing better, that I received an encouraging word about Sutton, that Kinlee is amazing in her recovery, and that the building collapse in New York was not an act of terrorism. Lord, today I ask that You be with the Horrell family. I especially ask for strength, rest, peace and comfort for Clella. I lift up others that have lost loved ones, please give them comfort and understanding. I lift up those that are sick, those battling life-threatening illnesses, those recovering from surgery, and those taking treatments. I lift up Jan as she begins another round of treatments, Holly as she recuperates, Travis, Tim, Johnny, Kevin Spence, Melana, Brenda, Penny, Mattylee and others that need Your special touch. I thank You for Godly men like Bro. Tom, who has served in the ministry for 50 years. I ask Your blessings on him, Bro. Kim, Bro. Kevin and others as they seek to do Your Will. Help us all to be faithful servants and do Your blessed Will, leading others to You. We cant save them, only You can do that, but help us to be the kind of influence they need to seek salvation. Please continue to bless our troops, their families, our church, community, nation, and world. Forgive me where I fail and for my sins. In Jesus Name, I pray.....
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:23:17 +0000

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