Beads Ji - one of the most mysterious beads, known to us today. - TopicsExpress


Beads Ji - one of the most mysterious beads, known to us today. Unknown exact time of origin, manufacture, and even the period during which they were an important part of Tibetan culture. We only know that these solar stone beads, covered with mystical patterns (eyes, stripes), are currently the most Protect the beads in the world. Meaning of the word Ji in Tibet corresponds to the word shine, brightness, clarity, brilliance. Land to which they are attached - Tibet itself is shrouded in an aura of mystery. And valuables there have always attached great importance: they were used as a way to show the status of the owner, and also had great religious significance. Even the poorest families keep certain types of beads as amulets. Although now in the Tibetan lands spread Buddhism, it is believed that the beads Ji have appeared at a time when there was a religion called Bon - faith. This follows from the strange patterns on the beads, which are suggestive of shamanism and witchcraft present. It is difficult to say anything for certain about the Ji as Tibetan culture prohibits any archaeological expedition on its soil. We only know that they were used as amulets that increase strength. Scientists are debating about them for many years due to a lack of documentary evidence. However, this is just a pleasure to be considered beautiful jewels of the Tibetans and the surrounding Himalayan countries and see the mystical bead that carry such a strong energy. Tibetans believe that Ji - jewels of supernatural origin. There are many different stories and legends surrounding the Ji. Their occurrence is linked to ancient times, when the demigods wore them as ornaments. Whenever Ji is a bit spoiled, it was discarded. This explains why the beads never found in excellent condition. As soon as they fell to the ground, immediately turned into insects. There are several stories about the Ji as insects. They are told that once the Ji were insects that live like worms in the ground, but turned to stone upon contact with a human hand. One story tells of a man who saw a bug in the mountains and threw his hat to catch. When he took off his hat, insect turned to stone. Sometimes insects Ji was found in the feces of cattle, or the horns of dead animals. The theory of the insect is widespread and is often used to explain why it is often Dzi are together, they form a kind of nest. There is also a legend that even after the beads excavated, they continue to move for some time. In another legend from Ngari (Western Tibet) states that Ji came from the mountains around Rudok. In ancient times, they flowed down her slopes flows. One evil woman glanced at the mountain, and the flow stopped immediately. Hence the characteristic black and white stripes on the Ji. Known and one of the modern stories of Ji, which became a sort of urban legend. As a result of a car accident in Taipei all the passengers would have been killed if one of them was in possession of the bead Ji. All of these stories confirm beliefs that Ji is magical and able to protect their owners from the troubles, diseases and bad mood. Ji and have medicinal value. Traditional medicine in Tibet to treat epilepsy using powder obtained from undisturbed (not broken) Ji, in a mixture with other magical substances of which make a pill for the sufferer. It is very important to use it undisturbed Ji, because if the Ji is broken, it means that his power has been spent to protect. Dzi beads - awesome and very effective way to boost energy. They possess healing power and are widely used for the treatment. It is believed that these beads protect from all types of failures, bring prosperity, wealth and health to their owners. There are several varieties Dzi beads, depending on the effect they produce and the type of success that you want to attract.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 17:30:05 +0000

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