Bedtime story; Written by ~ Kayla Farmer : ) Once upon a time, - TopicsExpress


Bedtime story; Written by ~ Kayla Farmer : ) Once upon a time, there was a girl. She had a big heart, and letting Love flow came naturally. This girl grew in a place where Balance was a rarity and Unity was barely a Dream. After struggle and pain-betrayal and shame, she had nearly given all her Heart away, or had it stolen. She was hurt... bent; but not broken. Through time something happened, amazing people starting crossing paths, shifts in the cosmos caused major energy fluxs; things started changing, frequencies rising... step by step the Earth and its inhabitants seemed to take the previously laid stumbling blocks turn them into stepping stones until they had flipped enough to make a grand leap. So one day this girl realized I wouldnt be who I AM without a life of suffering and the strength to turn my back on the serpent and arise with the dragon to face my shadow, defeat myself and remember my true Self, that I Am Maybe there was never anything dark at all.... maybe it was our plans all along, all of it? What if everything the trauma, the hurt, the periods of isolation and detachment... the dis-ease maybe the veil lifts slowly for reasons we cant fully understand yet... maybe its best we learn one step at a time. Through working as a team.. a team of Light Workers...(positive BEings, that not only Dream of a better world, but represent the change they want to see in the world & a domino is set, ready to go) maybe we only get partial clues to help us understand that we need each other as a Race to do this. We each have a unique puzzle piece... and as far as Im concerned, were going to a place of Pure Love... just Love and I just have to trust in my Heart that they ... up there ^^ they know more than me here, and they have the best of intentions. If they didnt, I would feel it. So, on occasions when one may feel alone, or question why, or maybe even wonder if they want to remain alive physically here... then maybe at all times; we can try changing our perspective from this is stopping me from where I want to be getting to I will accept this is where the universe wants me to be at this moment of now. I will will make the most of this gift of the present Now by seeing the Beauty in all, making the changes I can, and accepting the ones that I cant. I will accept to acknowledge the wonder of the gift of Free Will given to me out of Unconditional Love from Creator of All That Is, and accept that each choice made in the Now, is the path Im choosing to walk on and therefore my part of the co-creation of this Evolution. I accept I have the freedom to make my own choices, but also the responsibility to make the right ones. and from there one may move through experiences like a fresh breeze rather than let fears and struggles stick to us like velcrow. Like Bruce Lee said, We must be like Water : ] and as we float through this Experience of Life, Love, it becomes easier to drop the baggage thats been holding us down, and I believe, when we let go of all that does not serve us or the greater good, we can truly be #free. #spiritscience #breakthechain #IAM #Love #5thDemension #birthingthenewworld #shifthashappened #hopon or #getleftbehind ~ #Namaste
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:02:23 +0000

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