Been considering whether to post this or not, but here it goes. - TopicsExpress


Been considering whether to post this or not, but here it goes. Depending on what happens, this post may or may not stay up. So Ive talked to a lot of people who were followers of Teal Swan/Scott. Every single one of them who has stepped away from her work, or felt the need to, has had almost the EXACT same things happening in their life, with their energy fields, and theyve had the same currents and types of entities messing with them...they could feel these things happening at some level, and most of them even had dreams of Teal telling them to keep watching her stuff and to keep listening to her, and to keep doing their shadow work. All of them felt these things before I ever mentioned anything about it to them, and most of them felt like speaking to me because they agreed with what I mention that I feel/sense/see surrounding this lady and people who are/were following her. These people(these are wonderful people Ive connected with, great hearts, wanting the best for themselves and others, just wanting to know how to do their best) have all had very weird/bad things happening in their lives since theyve been into Teals work, have had a hard time being present with themselves, feeling their bodies and dealing with emotions, and have gotten worse and worse, while wholeheartedly attempting to better themselves. I cleared similar patterns from each of the people that have chosen to work with me, I have heard them all describe extremely similar feelings and scenarios in their lives, and they have all mentioned feeling pressured to not leave this group/teacher behind. When they begin to do so, the feel an almost evil (they describe it this way) force around them, and things tend to get worse...that is until they can get some assistance coming back into alignment with their bodies and spirits. I wish for anyone whos in a similar situation to know that this stuff has NO power over you WHATSOEVER, any more than you allow it to. The attention has been led away from you, and you must reel it back, and become present with your own being, begin to reside in your own body. This is a challenge for anyone in this position, but as long as you let go of the need to take part, and get back in touch with yourself, everything will come back into balance. Im not sure how deep this goes, or if some people are affected more than seems it may be that some are more deeply entrenched in this energy currents, and may need to spend more time getting back in touch with themselves, or may need more assistance in doing so. If youre experiencing anything like this, whether it has to do with Teal or not, I urge you to speak with a shaman, either myself, or someone you know, or feel in your heart that you can trust to be of assistance in your re-alignment. It is worth it. Everyone who has dropped this connection and has had some work done has been feeling MUCH better. Wishing the best to everyone on the path. Be still and keep moving
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:12:13 +0000

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