Been doing a lot of research and studying on foods and the human - TopicsExpress


Been doing a lot of research and studying on foods and the human body for a while. So figured Id type something up before I left for my training with the Military. Foods That We Should Avoid, That Rob us From Energy. ..A new thing that I have just been studying is Foods that we should avoid. We are all worried about calories and Protein, not to mention fat. But, do you like worrying all of the time over something that you should not have to? Here it goes, so just bear with me. lol. We must avoid foods that take away more energy then they provide. Your body operates on a suddle electromagnetic current. Nerve signals are in fact electrical charges. Your Brain, your Heart and all of the other organs in your body really admit these fields of Electro current. And your cells comunicate to each other through pulses of electricity. When we eat food, our food breaks down to our smallest size called corollas. It is the smallest possible form of a Nutrient particle size. The usual size is......I dont know how to pronounce it. lol And its certain microns in diameter. These nutrient particles are then carried to cells by via electrical charges. So if we eat something guys, that is lifeless. That really doesnt have the electrical charges in it any longer. Then you are really not going to get the energy your body deserves. So the food itself is taking away more energy then it is giving if it doesnt give you enough electrical charges. For Example: What kind of electrical charge is available in chocolate cake, in Megahertz? 1-3 megahertz. Oh by the way, a tumor has 30 electrical charges to give you an idea. A big mac has 5 Megahertz of energy. Before you start thinking is that good or not. Let me give you a frame of reference. Each of your organs in your body can be measured in Megahertz. For it to be functioning Healthfully. The average for you core organs, like your brain your heart and your lungs. Is 70 Megahertz. So just think about this. If you need 70 megahertz of energy and your primary diet is made up of Big Macs. 5 megahertz. Chocolate cake 1-3 megahertz. Are you going to be in a energy defaecate or an energy abundance? defaecate right! So your energy is going to be low. Now let me ask you this? Will your organs in your body be working at their total peak of performance? No. So if they are not working efficiency. So lets say part of that is cleansing or providing what your body needs. Then those systems start to shut down and you build up more toxic waste. Which naturally your body will get rid of. But, you no longer have the energy for your body to do properly. So you go through this slow decline that most people call aging. Does This Make Since? So here are some other foods. Vitamins, most vitamins and other supplements are 10-30 Megahertz and that is if your body can absorb them. Raw almonds are 40-50 Megahertz. Cucumbers are super high. Your liver is 55-65 Megahertz, Your colon 58-63, your stomach 58-65, top of your head 60-70 and your feet. So you see your body is in that 60 to 70 range. Fruits do provide. They provide a lot of energy. They are alive. Green vegetables are the highest. 70-90 Megahertz. Plus green vegetables are extremely Alkaline. We want Alkalinity and green vegetables are some of the best alkaline things that you can take into your body. Next, is live fresh Wheat Grass 70-90. Your brain is 72-78. How many of you love a rose? You smell a rose or you get into the presence of a rose and it just feels really great. How many like that feeling? A rose has 320 Megahertz coming out of it. Its like you get this charge. All flowers dont do this to you, do they? Some have more then others. and those feelings that you are having is electrical charges if you measured them. Its fascinating. That is all I am going to write for now. But, I will be writing a part two and maybe a three or four series on this. Im really into fitness and being at peak performance all of the time. And this is study is really starting to help me understand why? I dont have the energy that I deserve to have. And let me tell you. This plays a huge role on your emotions and how you feel. Ill get into that a little later on. But, until then. I hope you enjoyed it
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:12:35 +0000

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