Before I was introduced to an absolutely priceless gift that has - TopicsExpress


Before I was introduced to an absolutely priceless gift that has changed my life I was moody, grumpy, unhappy, and willing to drag anyone and everyone down to my level, as misery loves company. Unfortunately for me I had limited company because of it. I was stuck in a body and life that was not mine, tipping the scales over 330lbs. After my manager Tony, saw my constant struggle, he offered me a way out, a light at the end of a dark tunnel, I leapt at it, genuinely thinking it wouldnt work either and eager to cross it off the list so I could go back to complaining and making justification about how it was impossible to shed what problems I was bound with. With his and his wife Colettes support and belief in me, I proved myself wrong, it did work, fast, not only did I start melting fat, but so did my tough outer exterior. I started speaking from my heart, not from a place of frustration anymore, but a place of love. I learned to love myself for the first time, I translated that into making better connections, detoxifying my life of those that didnt support me, or felt they needed to drag me down to their level such as I had done so often in the past. My stress, confidence, motivation and moods had taken a full 180 degree turn for the better. After releasing first 25, then 60, and totalling over 130+ lbs gone, I made a solid life decision that I would spend the rest of my life lifting others up instead of letting them down. I am a proud pedlar of hope, there are far too many people out there living a life of cold, bitter sadness, unfortunately feeling glum about where they are in life. We need more people to believe in one another, I believe this and believe everyone has greatness inside waiting to burst out. Negativity doesnt need to happen, you dont need to bring others down to feel good, search out someone who will take the time and share their heart to bring you up, to pour love and belief into you, as you so deserve to have too. Those that dont agree with this, I am especially talking to you, if you read this or watch the movie provided and feel as though you want to mock or make fun, perhaps its time to take a look in the mirror and really discover what it is that is truly bothering you within. You are drinking poison an expecting me to fall over from it. But let me tell you this, whether you choose to believe and receive it, or not... You have massive greatness inside of you, something so unique and special nobody can come close to duplicating your brand of skills your were born with. We have but one life to live, its your choice, but I encourage you to look at leaving an impact on this Earth worth writing a great story about, you are worth it and dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” https://youtube/watch?v=g5CO2MRsuj8
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:48:45 +0000

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