Before the night is over: Veronica Fesuiai, nah you 20 hahaha Se - TopicsExpress


Before the night is over: Veronica Fesuiai, nah you 20 hahaha Se shat, I dont even have 20cents to my name, let alone 20 interesting facts churrr LEGGO! 20 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT ME 1. I used to wipe Pata & Falelatai bums when they were little and now they act like they dont even wanna know me when were out in public....OH FOR SHAME!! lolz 2. When I was little, I thought my older brothers Wellington & Hutt came up with the terms Fob and Dry....Imagine my embarrassment when some fob chick from school laughed at me for a whole week when I botzed it and told her HAHAHAHA OH FOR SHAME!! 3. I am the most GULLIBLE person IN THE RURLD! 4. ^^ Like this one time, when I was a moeps in Year 9, some random guy emailed me saying that he liked me for AGEZ and he wanted to go out...and stupid me I went along for the ride HAHAHA Anyway, so I was cat-fishing for a while and I went to one of the older girls from church for advice and she goes to me Umm, I think you should be careful. Dont get your hopes up (Im paraphrasing here, dont remember the exact details) ANYWAYS, LONG STORY SHORT: I kinda figured out later that it was some other lil girl from church playing a joke on me BAHAHAHAHAHA!! I still laugh about it to this day...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! LMFAO Still got mad love for that lil girl ROFL 5. I used to think I was the best guitar player in the world...and then I turned 12 zzzzzzzzzzzzz 6. Ive never been kissed. Yes, the truth comes out...sorry to all those friends I lied to, I just wanted to fit in HAHAHAHAHA 7. Ive never been in a relationship. Again, sorry to all the friends I lied to along the way...I just wanted to fit in zzzzz Peer-pressure McGee 8. ^^ But, I had a few this one time back in high school a palagi guy asked me out, but I turned him down because I knew my friend liked him too. But secretly, I HAD THE MEANEST CRUSH ON HIM! But you know the sister code, and because SHE admitted it out loud FIRST, that meant that SHE had first dibs grrrrr...I regret it so much now because I DONT EVEN REMEMBER THE B*TCHES NAME ANYMORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 9. When I was 10 - 12 I had the meanest crush on this guy for AGEZZ...I used to hype myself up everytime I knew I was going to see him next and be like Okay, TODAY will be the day you tell him how you feel...YOU CAN DO IT LEI!! (I know, moeps hahaha) But everytime I go to do it I chicken out because he always had girls around him. Anyway, one day I finally had the balls to do it and kept singing in my head Yes, tomorrow...tomorrow is the day Lei. Ia, wadayaknow? Tomorrow comes and we found out we were moving HAHAHAHA I took it as a big hint from the Universe saying Ua la le faiaga lmfao. 10. Im the meanest follower...which makes me laugh because my teachers always said that I was a born leader zzzzzzz Churr, leader of the couch potatoes! 11. I am a straight up conformist, but Im the worst kind...I deny the fact that I conform to non-conformity, because non-conformity is the highest level of conformity hahahaha What can I say? I am a follower after all... 12. I love reading Romance Novels.... 13. No really...I LUURRVVEEE Romance Novels, theyre my guilty pleasure hahaha I had a whole chest full of them but I left them for my besty at the time we moved down to Sydney...Shout out to all my Duchesses out there (You know who you are lol) 14. I am the biggest scaredy-cat...I cant watch a movie without a blanket over my back because I get really bad goosebumps and then I think somethings touching me there but theres nothing there so I end up pi-ing my ofuvae hahaha 15. When I was little, I used to believe EVERYTHING my cousin Teeyah Lotomau used to tell me BAHAHAHAHAHAHA She had the meanest stories to tell.... 16. When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a fireman, police officer, plumber, actress, singer, dancer, marine biologist, archaeologist, journalist, anchorwoman, animator and finally a Korean HAHAHAHA 17. I would love to marry a Samoan, ONLY if you could prove to me that we are 100% NOT related....even if there was a 0.35% chance that we were related #FUGGENLATERS MAATE!! 18. I want to marry a all you single Lawyers out there, you can slap me with the hand of justice anytime you want LMFAO!!!! 19. ^^ That was clearly a very tasteful joke, but in all honesty Im sh*t scared of commimtment....and MARRIAGE? Holy Ghost, thats a whole other level...being chained to one person for the rest of your life? And being chained to ME for the rest of your life? Gold star to the man who would be stupid enough to do that hahaha Im the type of girl who will go for the Nepolitan fllavoured ice cream, know what I mean? JOKES!! 20. I have a soft spot for Penesetone Methodist Youth, ONLY because we practically raised you guys hahahaha And even though you guys say we taught you everything (like how to hold a friggen tune you paulua guys ahahahaha joookkes). It wouldnt have been possible if you guys werent the committed and straight up talented kids you already are EH! *Water works starting* And you guys taught us SO MUCH too, like how sometimes a hiding IS the only answer HAHAHAHA LOVE YAAAHS!!! Well, that concludes the Chronicles of Leionsay Knowles zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 10:43:29 +0000

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