Before you decide to become a coach, why dont you ask yourself - TopicsExpress


Before you decide to become a coach, why dont you ask yourself first, How can i lead people with their fitness/sports goals? How can i show them the way from point A to point B? I knew the answers to these questions before i decided to coach. One of the reasons also why i decided to become a one was because there was no one leading me or led me to become the athlete i want to be. i felt like people should be realize that there is a better, superior way. Definitely not easier, but a way that will last with you for a lifetime. Even then, i knew i still didnt know anything. Almost everything was self taught and YEARS of RESEARCH, READINGS and preparation before i decided i can lead a flock of people to reach their fitness goals. Anyone can create a bunch of sets, reps, exercises in order to make a person sweat and make them sore the next day. But it takes YEARS OF UNDERSTANDING, mentoring and decision making to help people become faster, leaner and stronger. Im ranting like this because it seems like plenty of people here in Manila became coaches for the wrong reasons and are still lost in their motivation why they decided to become coaches. I find it disrespectful for people like me who are in this for the long haul. For people like me who genuinely want to help people reach their goals and know a better way. For people like me who up to now are trying to better my craft, the way i speak and the way i present myself. Become an athlete first. Better yourself. reach your own goals first before you try to lead a flock. Go get a mentor. Have a coach lead you and be honest with him that you plan to coach eventually too. Be an apprentice, intern, whatever. Just do things right. #realtalk #respectmyjob
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:53:17 +0000

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