Before you start practicing or competing, its all about what you - TopicsExpress


Before you start practicing or competing, its all about what you do to be physically and mentally prepared to be confident. Try some of the ideas below to turn your preparation into confidence. 1.Focus on what you can control. Worry about what you are doing, not what your opponent or coach or family or friends are doing. 2.Develop a routine, one that you do consistently before you practice and compete—for example, listen to music, breathe to relax, visualize success or think about your goal for the day. Remember to do it for both training and competition so it is your normal, and nothing distracts you from it. 3.Find your positive go-to statements. They should put the right thoughts in your mind. For example, I am a great athlete, or I thrive under pressure, or I start strong and finish stronger. Be sure they all start with I and are positively worded. Its best to have between three and five go-to statements. Write them on note cards, post them on a mirror, or set them as reminders in your phone. 4.Have a trigger to turn on your best focus. Pick something you normally do—like getting out of the car, walking into the locker room, putting on your uniform or shoes, stepping onto the competition space or feeling the equipment in your hands—and make it a signal that its time to go. Let it remind you to block out distractions and know you are ready to perform your best.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:37:39 +0000

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