Behaviourism or behaviorism is a psychological approach is to - TopicsExpress


Behaviourism or behaviorism is a psychological approach is to focus on the behavior observable1 determined by the environment and the history of interaction between the individual and his milieu2 . For example , learning is described as a change in observable behavior , due to the change in the force with which is associated a response to external stimuli ( external environment) or internal stimuli ( internal environment ) on the body . Summary 1 Etymology 2 History of behaviorism 3 Experience Skinner 4 Base behaviorist theory 5 principles of respondent conditioning 5.1 Extinction 5.2 Spontaneous recovery 5.3 The stimulus generalization 5.4 Discrimination of stimulus Currently 6 7 Reviews of behaviorism 7.1 Critique of behavioral theory 7.2 Criticism of the behaviorist epistemology 8 Implications for education, training 9 famous behaviorists 10 Notes and references 11 Additional Information 11.1 Bibliography 11.1.1 Books 11.1.2 Reviews 11.2 Other items 11.3 External Links etymology Behaviorism comes from the word behavior ( American spelling ), which means behavior. History of behaviorism Historically , behaviorism appeared in response to so-called mentalists approaches in the mind seeing the cause of defending any action introspection as a method of access to the understanding of the mind . Next the impact of Sigmund Freud and structuralist theories , psychology is shared between Europeans and Americans , who continued perception and behaviorism respectively (Carlson and Heth , 2010) . In 1913 , John Broadus Watson establishes the basic principles of behaviorism ( which he invented the name) by saying , in an article entitled Psychology as the behaviorist the voit3 if psychology wants to be seen as a natural science, it must be limited to observable and measurable by getting rid , in theory , all interpretations that appeal to notions such as consciousness and condemning the methodology events, the use of introspection as little useful psychology as it is chemistry or physics. It makes learning a central focus for the study of behavior , which must be approached only in terms of measurable behaviors produced in response to environmental stimuli . This position of principle advocated by Watson is what was later called the methodological behaviorism to differentiate it from other currents which it gave birth . Indeed, in the 1940s and 1950s, F. Burrus Skinner introduced the concept of operant conditioning based on observations carried out on the animals placed in operational paradigms in which they learn by trial and error actions required to obtain a reward. While Watson rejected it , Skinner is based on the law of effect Thorndike which states that behavior is a function of its consequences, to develop the concepts of reinforcement, shaping , programmed learning. These principles constitute a profound disagreement with the methodological behaviorism of Watson accepting the idea that internal variables can intervene in individual behavior analysis . Moreover, this trend does not reject internal processes such as thoughts or emotions but described as private events which could equally well apply the principles of operant psychology , which is to say everything is the behavior, including mental events , hence the term radical behaviorism , which means this approach. Experience Skinner Positive reinforcement : Stimulus The rat in the cage Response ( behavior) The rat presses the lever Positive reinforcement He gets food ( = add ) Increase the likelihood of behavior Negative reinforcement : Stimulus The rat is in the cage , he gets an electric shock (floor) Response ( behavior) The rat presses the lever Negative reinforcement The shock stops ( = withdrawal) Increase the likelihood of behavior Positive punishment : Stimulus The rat in the cage Response ( behavior) The rat presses the lever Positive punishment he received an electric shock ( = add ) Decrease the likelihood of behavior Negative punishment : Stimulus The rat in the cage Response ( behavior) The rat presses the lever Negative punishment Food disappears ( = withdrawal) Decrease the likelihood of behavior Basic behavioral theory The behaviorist theory is observable behavior the object of psychology. The environment is a key element in the determination and explanation of human behavior . Most theories of learning recognize three key variables in the process: the environment that stimulates the body is stimulated and the behavior or response of the organism as a result of stimulation. The classic pattern is: S \ rightarrow I \ rightarrow R S = the stimulus from the environment ( stimuli ) I = the individual R = the response or behavior of the individual following stimulation Without denying the reality of the individual (I ) and its inner workings , traditional behaviorist does not deal directly . Indeed, their goal is to specify the conditions and processes by which the environment (S) controls the behavior (R) , without reference to the internal variables considered unobservable and hypothetical . The pattern in which they work and put in brackets the individual ( I) they consider a black box . All matters relating to consciousness and are separated from their fields of study . Where the scheme: S \ rightarrow R considered the classic linear pattern behaviorist . This scheme , which can be assimilated to the schema of classical Pavlovian conditioning , was amended by BF Skinner , as Pavlovian conditioning explains that learning related to so-called unconditional stimulus that is to say, stimuli causing unconditional answers related the phylogeny of the species. Thus, the second is the classic pattern of operant conditioning . This scheme introduces two new variables: the environment and the effects on the body can be positive or negative. Where the scheme: S \ rightarrow R \ rightarrow C ( all of which are modulated by the context) This pattern is not linear because it is not a stimulus that triggers a response , it is a stimulus that evokes. Response or behavior being selected by the effects on the body and the environment , consequences that are unique to each organization , which is why the study and classification of stimuli and responses can be made that a posteriori . Operant conditioning explains the behaviors learned during the ontogeny of the organism. The fundamental difference between classical and operant conditioning is that operant conditioning presupposes being active in the environment. The principles of respondent conditioning According to Carol Tavris and Carole Wade, the authors of the college book Introduction to Psychology - The great prospects , basic principles are at the center of learning answers acquired by the respondent conditioning . Tavris and Wade added that these basic principles are the same for all species , whether the worm or Homo sapiens . In addition, the authors of the college book Introduction to Psychology - Large prospects add that among the most important principles , he s there extinction, spontaneous recovery , generalization and discrimination of the stimulus package and the order higher. extinction Conditional responses may last only for a while . If , after packaging , it has repeatedly conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus to follow the conditional response eventually fade. Basically, it leads us to say that extinction shows a decrease and eventual disappearance of a learned response , the respondent conditioning , extinction occurs when the conditioned stimulus ceases to be in association with the unconditioned stimulus . example [ ... ] Marc received a ball in the face ( unconditioned stimulus ) to his first day at daycare , and he learned to fear ( conditioned response ) the child ( conditioned stimulus ) that launched . Marc gradually come to no longer fear his playmate if , on seeing him, he associates more [ unconditioned stimulus ] ( the ball ) . The fear response ( conditioned response ) will then éteinte4 . Spontaneous recovery The reappearance of the conditioned response after the establishment of a successful shutdown procedure is spontaneous recovery . Basically, we can say , in some cases, a habit can make another appearance after its apparent extinction. example For example, if John had to leave the nursery a few days , it is possible that on his return he responds again by a fear response on seeing her playmate That is why it usually takes several sessions off to remove a conditionnelle4 response . Stimulus generalization When a stimulus has become a conditioned stimulus , causing a given conditional response , we observe that the same type of stimuli may also trigger the same conditional response , we give the process the name of stimulus generalization . In other words , a person applying the principle of stimulus generalization deploys a specific behavior of stimuli that have a very close similarity to a very specific stimulus. example For example , Marc can deploy the same conditional fear response in the presence of other children who physically resemble his playmate The proverb scalded cat fears cold water describes the process of generalization stimulus4 . Discrimination of stimulus Contrary to the principle of a stimulus generalization of deploying a specific behavior of stimuli which have a very close similarity to a specific stimulus that is the source of a behavior , the discrimination of the stimulus, which is the image reverse the spread of a stimulus is to react differently to stimuli similar in some respects to the conditional stimulus. Discrimination occurs when the stimulus stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus is not associated with unconditioned stimulus to the origin of the conditional response . example So if Marc learns to deploy the conditional fear response in the presence of the child who started the ball in the face, is that it has learned to discriminate stimulus4 . currently From the 1970s, the radical behaviorism defended by Skinner has lost its influence. However , adaptation paradigms of classical conditioning of Pavlov and Skinner instrumental cognitive behavioral components has allowed authors like Ellis, Seligman, Wolpe or Beck developed cognitive - behavioral approach to psychotherapy. Currently , the data that the current gave rise are mainly used in behavioral therapy (or cognitive-behavioral ) , which they continue to make fundamental data. This approach has allowed the contemporary psychology of dealing with adjustment problems such as anxiety disorders and depression. Reviews of behaviorism Criticism of the behaviorist theory Since its inception, the anti- psychological bias , and therefore anti- constructivist behaviorist psychology has been criticized . Jean Piaget has shown that we could not summarize intelligence in learning and imitation phenomena modeled on animal ethology regardless of how knowledge is constructed in an individual and a group . But by definition , knowledge is not an observable phenomenon , behaviorism was not involved in the problem of epistemology. The black-box the other hand , is seen by psychoanalysts as a rhetorical argument to remove the question of the unconscious and that of the subject . Adaptation in the narrow sense is postulated as the only engine , the alpha and omega of all human behavior . In addition to the behavioral theory , can not be an object of science that what is observable by an outside individual without reference to the psychic content of a thinking subject in clear contradiction with the analytical perspective. Critics of the behavioral approach and have used the metaphor of the iceberg, according to them, the behaviorists are interested only in the visible part ( observable behavior , ie, the symptoms) abandoning the submerged part ( psyche ) . Freudian theory rests on the fact that the symptoms are the expression of the unconscious part of the mental life ( including internal conflicts about , as in hysterical conversion) which , in itself, n is not incompatible with the behavioral theoretical position not simply issues of hypothesis about the content of the psyche. For cons , the differences between these two approaches may seem crucial with regard to the treatment : a behavioral psychotherapy inspiration seek to remove the symptoms without worrying about its meaning, while psychoanalysis aim a change in mental processes s speaking in the clinical symptomatology. Cognitivism is common in psychology who was born in extension of behaviorism . The theme of language played an important role in channeling the criticism of the behaviorist conception of language as a set of habits learned by observation and packaging . Instead, cognitive linguistics advocated by Noam Chomsky is based on the assumption of a mental grammar consists of rules that can be formally described, which is contained in the phylogenetic heritage of all human beings. Chomsky s criticism is based primarily on the argument of the poverty of the stimulus which holds that such universal grammar is essential for children to acquire such language skills while they are far from being confronted with all possible grammatical structures. More generally , cognitive psychology is based on the idea that thought is broken down into distinct mental process should be modeled as relatively autonomous entities. The characteristics of these mental processes are then indirectly accessed by experiments in which the behavior is the main experimental variable . Criticism of the behaviorist epistemology Bias anti- mentalist behaviorist also has an epistemological claim since refusing to use the internal elements of mental life and thus unprovable in the eyes of an outside observer , the behaviorist theory wants more scientific because it is based on objectivity of the phenomena it seeks to explain . The criticism that can then be due to the nature of the explanations in this context . Indeed , phenomena such as depression or anxiety can actually be defined by a number of symptoms but to reduce it may seem unsatisfactory. However behaviorists do not deny that the internal structure of mental life can exist only are unprovable , and even more if they exist they are subject to the same laws as observable behaviors . For example , the thought is a behavior that is also dependent on its consequences, the action is not born of thought , thought is action . Implications for education, training Teachers can voluntarily use reinforcements to support the acquisition of certain behaviors and make them disappear others. The teacher must determine specific learning objectives and classify targets ( learning plan ) .
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:12:04 +0000

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