Behind the veil 90yr old female landlord cry over roses,my - TopicsExpress


Behind the veil 90yr old female landlord cry over roses,my fault. I had been in my room that I rented on her three storied apartment. It appeared as though a thousand devils were conspiring against me as I sat at my desk writing a script for a play to perform at my church. I had to come up with an excellent script as today’s world accepts nothing but out of the ordinary. Not even the church as I have seen the congregation whisper to each other’s ear about how bad someone’s performance was. The scripts I wrote no matter the time spent dreaming up rhymes and poetic images that night never seemed to rule out this possibility. So from my desk I kept tearing papers and hoping the next script would be the final copy until by sunrise my apartment was all littered with paper. Helpless before such a deep private agony, I decided to step out of my apartment hoping that the day break had brought me a charm. And to my disarray it was worse outside. The morning traffic noise, impatient drivers hooting, automobiles and a flood tide of pedestrians all fogging their fastest way to work in an utter show of survival for the fittest filled the horizons. At 25,I thought my own life was at snail pace and the speed with which everything was happening was too fast for me and I just wanted to relax and not see anyone or do anything. So I got back to my house through the front door and went straight to my backyard, got a hoe and a rake and started gardening. Little did I know that the 90year old landlord was soon waking up. She had gone through life and lost her husband at an unripe age leaving her just one daughter and a son who are both working abroad. Life had offered her everything from grey hair, to beautiful two children but a companion. She was so lonely and had rejected her children’s efforts to take her to an old people’s home. What made her day were just roses in her own husband’s house. She loved roses so much and told me that before her husband died, he gave her a rose and in his words told her this. “Honey Life is beautiful yet so fragile so you can live it just once in glamour like a rose, as though tomorrow you will not fade away.” So each day she was inspired by these words and lived happily, went to party until she grew too old for that kind of crap. She decided to plant rose flowers in her backyard and each day during the summer when the petals sprouted she was reminded of her husband and the great gift of a good life he had left her. Then I came into the picture, psychologically dismembered, emotionless, that roses were just nothing but a result of thorny bushes. So I uprooted all of them. Anyway spring was just beginning, the plants had no petals yet so I guess I would have some emotions if I had seen attractive petals. The problem is everyone says had life been fairer with me, I would have been more loving, kinder and supportive. So the old woman woke up and she could not believe for that summer, she would not be seeing any roses or enjoying their steaming sweet smell. We all have things we hold so dearly, and we also go through situations that sometimes make us lose our true identity, hurt others consciously or otherwise. But our human nature is that of God defined by Love, kindness, hard work.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:57:06 +0000

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