Beijing Shouwang Church Announcement on Outdoor Worship Service on - TopicsExpress


Beijing Shouwang Church Announcement on Outdoor Worship Service on June 23 Dear brothers and sisters: Peace in the Lord! On this past Sunday, we held the twenty-fifth outdoor worship service of 2013. It was a sunny day. As far as we know, except for one sister who was taken to be detained at a hotel, at least twenty-three believers were taken away from locations near the platform or from home. Some of them were released soon after they were taken away, and all the rest of them were detained at Zhongguancun Street police station. They all got released around 10:40 am on Sunday. “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” God reminds us through this Sunday’s sermon that we would face conflicts and battles as we follow the Lord. The peace from the Lord is the peace in storms, the comfort from the Lord is the comfort in struggles, and the victory from the Lord is the victory in battles. If we withdraw and retreat from conflicts and battles, we would not be able to bear fruits of the Spirit; and we need to abide in Christ as the branch abides in the vine. Beijing Shouwang Church 06/25/2013 北京守望教会 6月23日户外敬拜通报 各位亲爱的弟兄姊妹: 主内平安!这个主日是2013年户外敬拜的第25个主日。天气晴朗。据我们统计,这个主日除了一位姊妹被住宾馆外,有23位弟兄姊妹因为参加户外敬拜在平台附近被带走。有些弟兄姊妹被带离平台不久后被释放,其余被带到中关村大街派出所。到上午10点40分左右所有弟兄姊妹都被释放出来。 “世人若恨你们,你们知道,恨你们以先已经恨我了。你们若属世界,世界必爱属自己的;只因你们不属世界,乃是我从世界中拣选了你们,所以世界就恨你们。”(约15:18-19)主借这个主日的信息告诉我们,跟随主的道路上原本就充满了冲突和争战。主赐的平安是风雨中的平安,主赐的安慰是挣扎中的安慰,主赐的得胜也是争战中的得胜。我们要逃避冲突和争战,就不可能结出属灵的果子;而要结出属灵的果子,就必须住在基督里,就像枝子连于葡萄树一样。 北京守望教会 2013年6月25日
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:03:02 +0000

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