Being Buried Alive When we are afraid of something, it is most - TopicsExpress


Being Buried Alive When we are afraid of something, it is most likely because we have already experienced it. Otherwise we wouldnt have a reference point for it and it would not be such a charged issue for us. I have discovered from my clients that those who are afraid of the water have drowned before, those who are afraid of heights have fallen to their death and those who are afraid of being buried alive, have already been buried alive. In modern times we think of the ceremony of death as sacred. But human life hasnt always been treated as such. In times of famine, pestilence and war, with so many dying at once, it would have been very easy to overlook those who had not crossed yet and include them in a mass burial site. Also, sometimes death does not register at once. The astral existence is so similar to the physical one that some people are dead and have not registered it yet. Sometimes the soul is still attached to the body an doesnt realize that the body has expired. This happened to me in a lifetime of war. One minute I was a solitary soldier fighting in enemy territory, and the next I was in a pile of dead soldiers wondering why the other soldiers were stepping over me instead of tending to me. Being buried alive may be one of those fears that is so horrendous, that we may not look at it this closely and just assume it is a fear of death. How freeing would it be, to be able to unhinge this fear from our psyche so that the next time we cross over, it can be as natural and effortless as stepping out of an old suit. These taps may be the most important ones that some of you do. You can thank me on the other side. I release the trauma of being buried alive; in all lifetimes I release the fear of being buried alive; in all lifetimes I release confusing the process of dying with the trauma of being buried alive; in all lifetimes I release the trauma of being stuck with the body; in between all lifetimes I release being left for dead; in and between all lifetimes I release the repugnant, acrid smell of death from my beingness; in and between all lifetimes I release being discarded like trash; in and between all lifetimes I release the belief that death is sinister; in and between all lifetimes I release being terrorized in death; in all lifetimes I release the fear of not crossing over; in and between all lifetimes I release my fear of the angel of death; in and between all lifetimes I release all trauma and fear associated with crossing over; in and between all lifetimes I release the trauma of being murdered; in all lifetimes I release defining death as sinister in all lifetimes I surrender to the process of death in all lifetimes I shift my paradigm from fearing death to staying present in the moment: in all lifetimes I release the fear of the unknown; in all lifetimes I shift my paradigm to trusting the process of crossing; in all lifetimes Maybe if one remembers that they have crossed over many times and that the only part of them that doesnt remember is the conscious mind, then they will realize how natural it is. The fear of death drives us in so many ways. How freeing it will be when all realize that all the energy they use to avoid death is paralyzing them from living life. The fear of death could be resolved for good. The joy of living can be unfettered of the ubiquitous fear of the process of going beyond the borders of the physical realm.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:28:04 +0000

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