Being Real. -- Dear Moms, we cant do it all. My point here is - TopicsExpress


Being Real. -- Dear Moms, we cant do it all. My point here is not to discourage everyone, but I do feel like I need to say today, on this Monday, first day back trying to do school after a holiday, that it is overwhelming. I cant do all I need to do. I need to call my legislators, or email, or something. Nope, not going to do it. Does that mean I dont think its important? Of course, I think it is important. I even think it is critical and that I would be wildly affected by the consequences of my parental rights being taken away! I have a child wildly behind in Math. I cant fix that today. Matter of fact, were not going to do math. We have papers to write and correct. That is something we can do, so that is what we will do. Daughter needed papers notarized for a missions trip. Yep, did that. Another daughters backpack decided to die on a spring break trip. Okay. Amazon order sent. Bible. Nope, didnt read that yet today. Yep, it should have been first. Maybe it can be last before I go to bed. Did I pray? You bet. When my child lost it, I took a shower, and I prayed. I prayed hard. Met with the principal. Lunch. Shared some counsel received while he was out of town. Hard stuff. I love my Jesus. I love my kids, but this is a hard day. Now, I must go back to my work. Goodbye guilt! I have confessed I cant get it all done! I hope this encourages someone......Let it go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let it go! All that stuff that cant be done! Let it go! Now, choose what can be done and Get er done! And be satisfied that you did what you could! Thats what I am going to do!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:09:52 +0000

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