Being Transformed by Growing in Life for God’s Building We are - TopicsExpress


Being Transformed by Growing in Life for God’s Building We are God’s farm, God’s cultivated land, God’s building (1 Cor. 3:6). The way we are being transformed is by the growth in the divine life, by allowing God as life to spread from our spirit into our mind, emotion, will, and every part of our inner being. To grow in life is to be transformed, and to be transformed equals to grow in life. To grow in life is to have the element of God increased in you, to have the stature of Christ expand in you, and to have the Holy Spirit gaining more ground in you. Also, to grow in life is to decrease in our human element, since the natural element is broken by the cross. In this process of growth in life, every aspect of the soul is being subdued and filled with God’s life and nature. Transformation, in the same way, is a metabolic change, in which we start as plants growing on God’s farm but our end result is that we become precious stones for God’s building. This should be our normal day-to-day experience: growing in life to be transformed into gold, silver, and precious stones, which are built together into God’s house, His building, the new man, which is the bride of Christ, for the Lord to return! Letting the Lord Saturate our Soul to Transform us and Make us One Allowing the Lord to saturate our soul to transform us! The question is: how do we grow in life? How can we be transformed? How can we – men of clay – be transformed into precious materials for God’s building? The key to our growth in life and our transformation is to simply LET the Lord grow in us, ALLOW Him to spread in our being, and be WILLING to deal with anything He wants us to deal with for Him to grow in us. Each of us decides how much the Lord will be able to gain ground in our being during our lifetime. Yes, we have received Christ through grace, and our salvation is not by our own merit or work, but for Christ to grow in us and for our soul to be saturated with the Spirit we need to cooperate with the Lord today. Will we present ourselves to the Lord so that He may have access to our soul and saturate it with God? Will we allow the Lord the room to move in us and do everything He desires in us? Will we give Him the permission to lead us into the experiences that we need for us to grow in life? We need to personally go before the Lord and have many transactions with Him, opening up as much as we can, pouring out our heart to Him, and be alone with Him concerning this. We need to tell Him, Lord, I give You access to every part of my being – I want that every part of my soul would be saturated and permeated with You for the building up of the Body of Christ as the one new man! As we let the indwelling Spirit spread into our soul and saturate our soul, we will spontaneously be one with the other brothers and sisters. This is the way to be joined in soul (Phil. 2:2). The growth in life issues in oneness, and the building comes out of our transformation. The only way to be one is not by doing our best to agree with whatever the saints say, but by allowing the Spirit to spread into our soul and transform us. The question is, Will we allow the indwelling Spirit to thoroughly saturate our soul so that it is organically transformed? Will we give the Spirit the freedom to permeate our soul as well as our spirit? Will we open every part of our soul to the Lord for Him to saturate us? Lord, I am willing. Lord, I decide before You that I would let You grow in me. Lord Jesus, make me willing to cooperate with You for the growth in life for the building up of the Body of Christ. Cause the growth in life in me and in all the saints for the building up of Your Body! We simply want to allow You as the Spirit to saturate our soul so that it may be organically transformed. Lord, permeate our soul by spreading into our mind, emotion, and will. Transform us for the Body to be built up!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 01:18:19 +0000

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