Being on the road, Ive noticed myself observing much more social - TopicsExpress


Being on the road, Ive noticed myself observing much more social media than I was contributing and its made me realize something... There are too many social/political/economic/religious/humanitarian/whatever you want to call them issues in this world for one person to ever have the right answers and perspective for each and every single one of them. For example, an individual who has a good grasp on how intense human trafficking around the globe truly is most likely wont have all of the answers when the topic of radical Islam is brought up and dont even get them started on Hydraulic Fracturing. ITS. JUST. NOT. POSSIBLE. But that doesnt mean you give up... Yes, its an awesome feeling to have a voice in the conversation, but I dont ever want to be the person in the corner thats just screaming nonsense because they dont actually understand whats going on. And if you are that person that doesnt understand whats going on...ADMIT IT AND EDUCATE YOURSELF. I cant even begin to tell you how many times I needed to just shut my mouth and listen because I had no idea what I was actually talking about, I just didnt want to be wrong. There are too many blind followers behind blind leaders behind a screen for you to just take everything you see at face value and there is nothing shameful about being misinformed. I guarantee you that if you knew everything, the one thing you wouldnt know would be what to do with all of that information! But once you do educate yourself on a topic, feel free to share it with other people. Thats one of the most amazing things in be able to share it with those that you surround yourself with so that they can understand your perspective. Lets help nurture healthy conversation and even healthier (dare I say it) debates, instead of starting a petty war of keystrokes at 3 AM on a Saturday just because someone disagreed with you on the type of socks you decided to wear to the movie you just came back from. We have pretty much the greatest resource humanity has ever been given and we choose to use it to share Buzzfeed links about the 20 best discontinued flavors of Pop-Tarts. I understand that its fun, and Im not against it , but when you see a headline about Colorado hoping to make Heroin its next legal drug for recreational use, or a tweet saying that Obama is the Anti-Christ, dont buy into it right away. Its amazing what a few minutes of research can really do... Just a few days of bottled up thoughts finally being spilled out...I might not have said everything in the best way possible, but I hope I communicated my thoughts somewhat effectively. End rant.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:17:54 +0000

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