(Bell Rings 3x) Chris Jericho and Kane stare each other down to - TopicsExpress


(Bell Rings 3x) Chris Jericho and Kane stare each other down to start the match. Kane charges toward Jericho, but Jericho ducks and runs into the ropes. Kane turns around, but Jericho nails him with a running corkscrew back elbow! Jericho then grabs Kane’s arm and drags him over toward the ring ropes and ring apron. Jericho goes out onto the ring apron and places Kane’s on the middle rope. Jericho then wraps the ropes around Kane’s arm and heads out onto the ring apron. Jericho then wraps his legs around Kane’s arm and begins pulling on Kane’s shoulder, trying to take the Chokeslam out of Kane’s arsenal early. Kane is in pain as his arm and shoulder are trapped in the ropes and Jericho is putting as much pressure as he can while upside down, squeezing on Kane’s arm and shoulder. Kane reaches over the ropes and throttles Chris Jericho with his free arm! Kane picks up Jericho and tosses him to arena floor, but as Jericho falls, he still has a hold on Kane’s arm, allowing Jericho to hit a modified form of a shoulder breaker! Jericho gets up and quickly gets back into the ring. Jericho then hits a drop kick into the weakened shoulder of the Big Red Machine! Kane falls to the ground as the damage has been done to the shoulder. Jericho runs over Kane, jumps onto the second rope and hits the Lionsault! Jericho picks up Kane and hits him with a tilt a whirl back breaker! Kane gets back to his feet, but Jericho is behind him and hits the running one armed bulldog! Chris Jericho is on fire right now! Jericho tries to pump up the crowd. Jericho turns around and dodges Kane’s Big Boot. Kane gets straddled on the top rope after missing Jericho. Jericho runs the ropes and baseball slides into Kane’s leg and takes him down as he slides out of the ring. Chris Jericho then heads up the entrance ramp and grabs the first table of the match! Kane exits the ring and stalks Chris Jericho. Jericho turns around and eats an uppercut from the Big Red Machine. Jericho gets knocked back up the entrance ramp. Kane then runs toward him and hits the diving clothesline on Jericho! Kane picks up Jericho and runs back toward the ring with him, driving him ribs first into the ring apron. Kane then picks up Chris Jericho and hits Snake Eyes on the Steel Steps. Kane then tosses Chris Jericho back into the ring. Kane goes up the ramp and grabs a table and drags that to ringside. Kane sets up the Table near the ring and he gets back on the ring apron. Chris Jericho hits a jumping heel kick and Kane falls on the Table, but not thorough it. Jericho then runs into the second rope and springboards out of the ring into a splash, but Kane rolls into the ring as Jericho crashes and burns through the table. Since Chris Jericho put himself through the table, the match continues. Kane then climbs to the top turnbuckle as Chris Jericho gets up and away from the broken table at ringside. Kane hits the flying clothesline to the outside on Chris Jericho! Kane then locks Chris Jericho in a Claw Hold as he squeezes on Chris Jericho’s face! Jericho is in pain as Kane suffocates him with is gigantic hand. Jericho begins swinging and kicks him in the bad shoulder. Kane lets go of the hold as he falls down in pain. Chris Jericho gets up and grabs his injured arm. Jericho then places the injured arm through the legs of half of the broken table and locks in the most famous of his 1004 Holds, the ARMBAR, on Kane, shoving the broken wood into Kane’s side, while applying even more pain and pressure on Kane’s arm. Kane begins attempting to punch Chris Jericho, but the Table also works as a wooden shield, blocking Kane’s shots from hitting Chris Jericho and preventing Kane from freeing himself from the hold. Kane keeps swinging and actually punches through the table and throttles Chris Jericho again! Chris Jericho can’t believe that Kane just punched his way through the table! Kane then gets back up and double handed chokeslams Chris Jericho into the ring apron, to break the hold. Kane take the broken table half off of his arm as he hold’s his arm. Kane then heads up the entrance ramp and grabs a second table. Chris Jericho gets up and dropkicks the table and knocks Kane down. Chris Jericho grabs the Table and slides it into the ring. Chris Jericho then attempts to enter the ring, but Kane grabs his leg and drags him back outside. Kane then picks up Chris Jericho and hits a sidewalk slam on the outside. Kane then enters the ring and sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Kane then turns his back to the ring ropes and flips over and back outside of the ring. Kane picks up Jericho tosses him into the ring. Kane gets up and signals for the Tombstone Piledriver! Jericho gets up and it flipped upside down! Jericho fights off Kane temporarily! The referee gets a little to close as Jericho accidentally grabs the referee as Kane hits the Tombstone Piledriver, sending both Jericho and the Referee down to the mat. Kane then signals for the Chokeslam and waits for Chris Jericho to get up! Jericho gets up and is throttled! Kane picks him up, but his arm gives out and Chris Jericho hits the Codebreaker! Jericho then grabs Kane’s legs and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Kane is in pain as Jericho has it locked in and Kane is tapping out, but there is no referee and Submission’s don’t count in a Table’s Match! Jericho breaks the hold and positions the Table. Jericho then picks up Kane and puts him on the Table. Jericho then runs into the ropes and goes for a second Lionsault, this time on Kane through a Table! WAIT!!! KANE ROLLS OFF THE TABLE!!! JERICHO CRASHES AND BURNS THROUGH A SECOND TABLE!!! OH NO!!! THE REFEREE GETS UP!!! HE SEES KANE LAID OUT, BUT CHRIS JERICHO IS THE ONE THROUGH THE TABLE!!! THE REFEREE CALLS FOR THE BELL AS HE BELIEVES KANE PUT CHRIS JERICHO THROUGH THE TABLE!!! (Bell Rings 3x) Borash: Here is your winner… AND STILL IwF INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!!! KANE!!! youtube/watch?v=5b6vsunh5OQ JBL: WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? Cole: The referee never saw the botched Lionsault! Kane never put Chris Jericho through the Table! JR: Even Kane doesn’t even know what happened! Kane retains the Intercontinental Championship here tonight, but without a doubt it was controversial! °Commercial Break°
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 04:14:48 +0000

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