Belle Dingle has more tough times ahead as not everyone welcomes - TopicsExpress


Belle Dingle has more tough times ahead as not everyone welcomes her return to the village. Belle is released from the youth detention centre this week after serving time for the accidental death of her best friend Gemma Andrews. However, Belle cant quite escape from her past when she finds herself embroiled in a bitter feud with Ashley and Bernices daughter Gabby. Here, Eden Taylor-Draper - who plays Belle - reveals details of the trouble ahead as her character arrives back home. How does Belle feel after her release from the youth detention centre? Belle is alright. When she first walks through the door at home, all of the Dingles are there to give her a very warm welcome. She seems like the normal old-school Belle, whos very happy to be home and loving family life. Did Belle find it tough when she was locked away? When Belle first comes in, the audience will think that everything is great and theres nothing wrong, but it has damaged her as it would to anyone. I think cracks start to show in this false appearance of Belle having a lovely life. Once shes back, there are little things that build up as time goes on. Belle is loving being back home, though. Shes more excited to see the Dingles dog than anyone, to be honest! Its just lovely for her to be back with her mum and shes really loving that. What happens when Belle is preparing for her first day back at school? Belle is set to go to school and is feeling fine about it. Shes not really thinking too much about it, but as she walks up, Gabby of all people starts causing trouble. Gabby is usually innocent as shes the vicars daughter, but all of a sudden, she and all of her friends start circling Belle and pulling her hair, saying shes ugly, nasty and a murderer. That really messes with Belles head, but shes really calm about it and she just steps away. She doesnt snap, which you would think she would. What does Belle make of Lachlan, the new boy at Home Farm? The first time Belle meets Lachlan is when shes at Gemmas shrine, just tidying it up because its not in a good condition. Lachans dog comes and tramples all over everything. Lachlan asks if Belle knew the girl who died, and she finds it really hard to deal with him, because she feels that hes very full-on with death. Belle also dyes her hair, doesnt she? Yeah, she goes from quite a light blonde to a much darker colour. I think its just that Belle has come out of prison and she feels like shes a different person. She wants to be a different person and I think Gabby is the reason why she does it. After being called a murderer, Belle dyes her hair and goes to tell her mum, but Lisa is really supportive and understands why she wants to change her appearance. Lisa is very anxious about Belle at the moment, but does Belle notice that? I dont think Belle is registering anyones worry at this point. Even if she does, shes just saying that everything is fine. Why does Belle decide that she doesnt want to go back to school? Belle has her first day back at school and she hates it. Then she bunks off and the Dingles get a home schooling tutor in for her. Belle thinks thats great because she wont have to deal with people. She can just crack on with school and be in her little bubble at home and think everything is fine. What happens when Belle is asked to look after April? Its really sad. Belle is having breakfast with her mum when Marlon arrives and asks her to look after April. This is a massive step for Belle, because she has asked to be responsible after being treated like a child for so long. Its great for Belle, but then Marlon oversees something between Belle and Gabby which means that he no longer wants her near his child. Thats really hard for Belle to deal with. Well see some more clashes between Belle and Gabby. Is Gabby still stirring things up, or is there a problem from Belles point of view too? There is a problem. Gabby stirs things at the beginning, but Belle also becomes awful to Gabby - absolutely disgusting. That comes out later, but the audience dont see that at first. Its not characteristic of either character, because Gabby is sweet and innocent, while Belle has dealt with the past. I think thats when Belles past comes into play again. We also see that Gabby has some issues. Well also see some nasty graffiti sprayed at the Dingles home which brands Belle a murderer… Yeah definitely, someone starts doing this stuff. Its horrible and Belle is being bullied at this point, but nobody understands why and who it is. Thats the mystery of the storyline - who is doing this stuff? Are you glad to be back at Emmerdale after taking time out for exams? Yeah, I had time out which was great and lovely, but Im so happy to be back and its great that theres so much kicking off with Belle. Its really exciting and unusual. Its amazing to be back.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 01:06:50 +0000

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