Benghazi Bombshell: ‘We’re Here to Kill Americans’ Dear - TopicsExpress


Benghazi Bombshell: ‘We’re Here to Kill Americans’ Dear Member: On Sunday night, in what’s being called a ‘bombshell report’, CBS reporter Lara Logan interviews a Benghazi survivor, the first Western witness to speak out about Benghazi. Here is an excerpt from the CBS interview: Jones [the Benghazi survivor] told CBS reporter Lara Logan he was annoyed the U.S. State Department wouldnt allow his guards to carry guns. Jones wasnt at the compound when the marauders arrived, but got a phone call from one of his guards when the attack started, but he could tell the situation was serious. I could hear gunshots, and I — and he said, Theres — theres men coming into the mission, Jones told CBS. His voice, he was — he was scared. You could tell he was really scared, and he was running. You could tell he was running. He called a State Department agent in the compound who answered his phone. I said, Whats going on? He said, Were getting attacked. And I said, How many? And he said, Theyre all over the compound, Jones said. And — I was shocked. I didnt know what to say. And I said, Well, just keep fighting. Im on my way. They [the attackers] said, Were here to kill Americans, not Libyans, so theyd give them a good beating, pistol whip them, beat them with their rifles and let them go, Jones said. Obama and Clinton have gone to great lengths hide and intimidate survivors – to ‘shut them up’ – including forced lie detector tests and threats to their livelihood. Apparently, they’ve missed ‘tying-up a loose end’. Of course, Speaker Boehner has helped Obama stonewall on Benghazi for months. In the face of 177 Republican cosponsors, Boehner still refuses to appoint a special House Select Committee to investigate. He says Benghazi has not risen to ‘that level’. In my humble opinion: What level does killing Americans fall upon? Is it the definition of the speaker boehner that obamacare is more important than the death of Americans? Or does speaker boehner consider his lunch, more important than killing Americans? Really what level does killing Americans fall on? Or is it just not that important to speaker boehner? Maybe it is time to get a new speaker, one that does the work he was voted into office to do by his constituents?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:37:55 +0000

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