Benghazi terrorists had inside information From the Desk - TopicsExpress


Benghazi terrorists had inside information From the Desk of: Mat Staver Diplomatic Security Agent David Ubben, severely injured in the Benghazi attacks, said the terrorists had inside information on the whereabouts of everything inside the compound, including the safe room. He says, “They knew more than they should have about the compound.” This latest revelation is another scathing indictment against the Obama administration’s misstatements given to the American people from the very beginning of the Benghazi ordeal. Please see my important update below – Mat. The most recent news to come from the Benghazi investigations underscores that the Obama administration has engaged in a massive deception of the American people about the events in Benghazi that took the lives of four Americans and injured many more. This latest information was released to Fox News by the widow of Congressman Bill Young, who passed away last month. Congressman Young interviewed Agent David Ubben at Walter Reed Hospital months ago while Ubben was recovering from crippling wounds inflicted during his defense of the Benghazi compound. In the information released by Young’s widow, the Congressman reiterated some of Ubben’s most distressing information about the events of 9/11/12... “He (Ubben) emphasized the fact that it was a very, very military type of operation and they had knowledge of almost everything in the compound. They knew where the gasoline was, they knew where the generators were, they knew where the safe room was, they knew more than they should have about that compound.” Asked if Ubben believed the terrorists had inside information, or had done reconnaissance, Young told Fox, “Yes he (Ubben) did...It was pretty well figured out, where everything was, where the doors were located, where the safe room was - the whole thing. Congressman Young called Ubben a “real hero.” ++We must get to the truth about Benghazi and hold accountable those people responsible, no matter how high up the chain of command the investigation leads! I believe that the ongoing pressure from grassroots Americans, like the many friends of Liberty Counsel Action, is keeping the Benghazi scandal alive in the halls of Congress and in the public discourse. Over 106,000 friends of Liberty Counsel Action have demanded to know the truth by signing our petition, and many more have sponsored faxes to Capitol Hill. It is high time for the stonewalling to end and for Members of Congress to establish the 19-member Select Committee that Representative Frank Wolfe (R-VA) has proposed to uncover the truth! ++How dare they call Benghazi a “Phony Scandal”? The Obama administration and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would love nothing more than for the Benghazi quagmire to simply disappear – and to get what they arrogantly call “phony scandals” off the radar. Together, let’s call for the highest level of scrutiny possible in resolving the facts of the Benghazi terrorist attack. For the sake of all those who were victimized by the Obama/Clinton failure of leadership, we must do everything possible to obtain justice! Click here to learn how you can send the four Benghazi deceivers an appropriate award for their disgraceful actions: We are preparing “Benghazi Cover-up Medal of Shame” (BCMS) notification post cards bearing the image of the special medal that will alert the recipients of their award – over and over and over again! These postcards – hopefully hundreds of thousands of them – will serve as direct reminders that their lies, treason, and deadly actions are now being given an appropriate award: A Medal of Shame. Plus, we will also send you four Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame stickers to use however you would like. These colorful heavy vinyl stickers are similar in weight to quality bumper stickers and stand about 4 inches tall. They are for you to place in any conspicuous place to tell your friends and neighbors that you hold the “shameful four” of the Benghazi deception accountable, and are demanding the truth about Benghazi. With every month that has passed since the 2012 attack, the Benghazi liars have emboldened their stance, and have reached a point of complete disregard for the entire incident and the four American lives lost. We will continue to demand that everyone responsible at every level of government be held accountable! Thank you for standing with us in demanding accountability from America’s leadership. God bless you! Mathew D. Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action P.S. Our message cannot be overstated! We demand the truth for each of the families of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attack, and for every American to whom this administration has repeatedly lied. Go here now to order four Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame stickers and to send your four “Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame” postcards to the Benghazi liars, notifying them that we have not forgotten their cowardly and shameful actions:
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 21:56:58 +0000

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