Bermudian Church of the Brethren WEDNESDAY’s WORD – a midweek - TopicsExpress


Bermudian Church of the Brethren WEDNESDAY’s WORD – a midweek thought from Pastor Larry M. Dentler to share a word of inspiration … encouragement … challenge … a smile … in the middle of your week July 24, 2013 - #522 Unbelievable! It was to be a trip to the shopping center like a million before. Simple. In, get what she needed, and out. No big deal. But it did turn in to a big deal! As Sister Jen Miles was loading her packages into her car, having already got the children buckled in, three young men came up from behind and told her to give them her purse. Jen turned to face the young men and could see that they meant business! What happened next is hard to understand. Maybe it was just a mother’s instinct kicking in but Jen went into a full blown attack mode. In a move she had seen at Evan’s martial arts class, but certainly never practiced before, with a kick and a spin, like some ninja warrior, Jen’s foot made contact with the one young man’s jaw, and both of them went spiraling to the ground. The young man picked himself up with a shocked expression on his face as he wiped the blood from his mouth, meanwhile the other two, wide-eyed, decided this was one Momma not to mess with, and all three high tailed it away! Meanwhile Jen lay on the ground, heart pounding, whispering a prayer to the Lord, and realizing she had really hurt her foot. Indeed she had. A trip to Urgent Care revealed the foot was fractured. Unbelievable! Well yes … it is unbelievable … because it’s not true! Really … Jen broke her foot in a simple, freakish accident as she stepped off a step and landed wrong. When she said to me, “I wish I had a better story to tell,” well … you know my mind … I just decided to help Jen with a better story! Really there were no ‘bad guys’ and no ninja move, just a misstep. I’m reminded of 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” NIV The ‘story’ of our lives is one of sin and disobedience as we struggle to follow Christ. But on the old rugged cross of Calvary the one who had lived a ‘Story’ of sinless obedience to the Father, became our ‘story’ as He hung their dying. All the sin of our ‘story’ that made us guilty, was now His ‘story’ and He paid the price for our sin. But one day we will stand before the Father, and as our hearts & hands are opened before the Lord, He will see in us, as the story of our lives, the ‘Story’ of Jesus … and declare us ‘not guilty’ … ‘redeemed’ … fit for … and welcome to … and a joint heir of Heaven! Now THAT is unbelievable! But true! When you see Jen … just call her ‘Ninja!’ and thank her for being a good sport to let me do this! Pastor Larry < Seen in Thirteen – seeing God’s way in uncertain times “Open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word.” Psalm 119:18 LB
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 21:56:38 +0000

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