Bernadette Dobski Geers October 1, 2004 Remembering I’d - TopicsExpress


Bernadette Dobski Geers October 1, 2004 Remembering I’d like to thank each of you for coming today to help us remember and celebrate Bernadette’s life. On behalf of her sons, Tony and Andy, her daughter-in-love, Melissa and her sisters, Theresa, Raynora and I – we welcome you. Bernadette was my sister and my sister-in-the-Lord. I was incredible blessed, as were the rest of you, to know her as a friend. Bernadette had a gift of giving a part of her heart to everyone she met. We all know today, we are only a sampling of the people whose lives she touched. People whose lives are now richer, better, brighter because of her wit, her wisdom, her ways. She deposited in each of us the best of her. If you spent any time with Bernadette, there were three things you would hear her talk about in short time. The first is “her boys.” She was so proud of Tony and Andy. They were the joy of her life. She would speak of the incredible blessing it was to have been able to raise them, to know them, to love them. Tony – we have watched you grow from lad to boy to man. You did not miss an opportunity to love and take care of your Mother. We know she looked to you for counsel, comfort and care. You were always there for her. She was so proud of you. Andy – we shared your Mom’s joy and excitement and pride when you graduated from Eastern Michigan University with honors. Andy said, “Mom, What’s Summa Cum Ladda?” We knew of the great fun she had taking you on that cruise this past spring. And you could make her laugh. She so loved and enjoyed you. And was so proud of the man you are and the man you are becoming. Melissa – the saying “a daughter a daughter all of your life – a son a son until he takes a wife” was never the case with you and Bin. You shared more than the same birthday – you shared loving Tony and loving the Lord. She loved doing things with you and loved your company. You were a good daughter to her. The second thing Bernadette would talk to a friend or a stranger about is George W. Bush – her president! We would all get to hear every speech twice – once from the President and once from her. She spoke of his godly character and his deep faith. I’m certain she inquired of God – if His timing wasn’t just 36 days off --- so she could have cast her vote. The third thing Bernadette would talk to you about is her friend, Jesus, the Lover of her soul. Bernadette lived her faith. She lived what she believed. Her relationship with Jesus was not based on religion, a denomination, or an ideal. Her relationship with Jesus was very personal and very real. Through this relationship with Him, she learned to love, to forgive, to laugh, to cry, to serve and ultimately to die. She learned to bless those who curse you, to comfort those who mourn, to build up the broken hearted, to love unselfishly and unconditionally. Each year for Bernadette’s birthday, I would send a greeting and say, “Bin, this is going to be your best year ever.” She would laugh and say, ‘You always say that.” This year was no different. Last Friday, September 24th, Bernadette turned 55. I sent her a greeting with a note that said this would be her best year ever.” You see, for the past 3½ years Bin and I shared a daily devotional that would come via e-mail. It is called, “What the Lord is Saying Today.” We would call each other and say, “Today’s word was for you” and we would talk about what God was saying to us. This devotional proved over the years to be a very significant timely word for us. This year, I forwarded the devotional to Bin and wrote, Bruce and I say Happy Birthday. This is going to be your best year ever.” The devotional is written as an exhortation or encouragement from the Lord. It is written as if the Lord were speaking directly to us. September 24, 2004. How wonderful the wonder of your creation. You were nothing until I brought you forth from your mothers womb. You were spirit before you were flesh. And it is your spirit that will live forever. When I breathed life into you at the beginning, I gave you the ability to become wholly mine someday. I remember the day that you yielded to my love and accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. How thankful you were that all your sins could be washed away and that you could become My child forever. Now look at you! You are conceived to be the human expression of all that I am. You are doing well, my child. Bernadette did well. Bernadette finished well. Bernadette was the human expression of His love for us. She knew Him as friend, provider, protector, counselor, shepherd. She knew how much God loved her and we all knew how much she loved God. Bernadette had a kingdom perspective. The Bible talks of those who die “at a good, old age.” By biblical standards, her death was untimely; cut short. So many of us here today were not yet finished LIVING with Bernadette. Suddenly she’s not with us anymore. Not in the flesh anyway. Yet we all long for one more word, one more laugh, one more story, one more tear, one more phone call, one more visit --- Lord, Just one more. We grieve, but thank God we do not grieve without hope. It is possible to know without a shadow of doubt that we will see her again. In 1975 Bernadette’s life changed course. She turned her life over to Jesus and began living for Him. She lived looking forward to eternity. And she lived wanting to spend eternity with those she knew and loved. Today we’re called to the fresh reminder that, after surrendering your life to Jesus, the two most important things in life are love and death: love makes life sweet; death makes life precious. Death causes all of us to hug a little longer, listen a little closer, love a little deeper. And days like today cause us to pause and consider the question we all ask ourselves at one time or another. The same question Job asked: “If a man dies, will he live again?” Today Bernadette knows the absolute truth of what she believed. All of us will stand before the Lord someday. We will live again. Bernadette’s heart yearned for the Lord. We spoke often of meeting Him face-to-face. We talked about the first time we would lay eyes on Him and the glory of seeing Him. We spoke of the reality of spending eternity worshipping our Father – Bernadette looked forward to the time when there would be no sickness or no sadness. Bernadette and I spoke of today; a day when family and friends would gather to say good-bye. She and I spoke of what was important to her. What she would want everyone to know. First of all, that she loved you and was loved in return. Secondly, that she loved the Lord Jesus and is now in the very presence of the one she loved and served. Thirdly, that she would love to see you again. If we were to have asked Bernadette, last Monday, if she would go to heaven if she died that night. She would have answered YES. Why? Not because she was wonderful person – though she was. Not because she did good things – though she did. Not because she read her Bible or because she believed in God. Though she did those things too. Only for one reason could she have answered yes. And that is because back in 1975 she asked Jesus to come into her life. She had turned from wanting life her way and living life HIS way. She had become born again. She believed the truth of the scripture that says I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” She lived her life knowing John 3:16, That God so loved her that He gave Jesus – that believing in Him she would not perish but have everlasting life. She knew that John 14:6 says that Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life – that no man comes to the Father but by Jesus. Bernadette had learned the secret. God is not looking for perfection; rather He is looking for willing hearts. God is not asking what you can do for Him; rather what you are will allow Him to do for you. We were all created with a void in our hearts that only God can fill. That was His plan. Bernadette wanted to make available to all the same assurance she had – that through her personal relationship with Jesus, death is not end of life – but rather the beginning of eternity with Him There may be someone here who has never prayed to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. There may be someone here who prayed once, but has allowed the cares of the world to shift their priorities. Whatever your personal circumstances, you can leave here assured of eternal life – the same eternal life Bernadette is enjoying today. I am going to say a prayer and invite you to pray along with me. God I know I’m sinner. I ask for your forgiveness of my sins. I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is your Son and he paid the debts of my sins by dying on the cross. I accept your gift of salvation and ask Jesus Christ into my life to be my personal Lord and Savior. – Amen For those of you, who prayed this prayer for the first time, welcome into the family of God…. The family Bernadette was most proud to be part of. I’d like to close with a favorite scripture of Bernadette’s – Psa. 17:15 As for me, I will be fully satisfied, when I awake and see you face-to-face and have sweet communion with You.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 13:16:08 +0000

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