Besides a season when your team has won it all what are some of - TopicsExpress


Besides a season when your team has won it all what are some of your favorite other seasons? For me with the Bears, Bulls and Blackhawks it was the year before they won it all. Because while they were defeated in the playoffs you had a sense they were on the brink of winning it all. I think while its fun when your team comes out of nowhere to win it all is great but whats also great is watch a team build over a couple of years and see players arrive develop and gel together. The Blackhawks came from being named the worst franchise in sports to winning the Stanley Cup in 4 years. I saw the Bulls develop over a 7 year period starting with Jordan arriving in 1984. It took a little longer than expected but the Bulls were building a team to win more than 1 time (and they won 6 times) The Bears were worse than a peewee team in 1982. Saw them grow and develop into a Super Bowl team in 3 years. My other team is the Cubs and they are in a rebuilding process now. While they suck they have a bunch of kids on the way starting with tomorrows game.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:16:49 +0000

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