Between ETs and the govt -- id focus on the govt which is our - TopicsExpress


Between ETs and the govt -- id focus on the govt which is our direct enemy -- *control and enslavement* being the key factors, we need to understand that our taxes, charges, fees, laws, debts, elections, etc., are bogus. we are paying bogus high rates on our utility bills, our transportation costs. in the us the govt is poisoning the skies via planes in broad daylight with the people being unable to stop it. they are putting poisonous additives in the water. they are genetically modifying the food, turning them into poisons. on top of it, the 911 false flag was used to take away most of the sovereignty of the american people using the *national security* meme. this is key. the govt does everything it can to keep the people sedated via electromagnetic frequencies, the poisons mentioned above, sports, entertainment, fake wars, fake shooting accidents, fake disasters, fake wars in the middle east, etc. everything is done for one ultimate goal -- to fool the general people into thinking theres nothing they can do. nothing could be further from the truth. we must do something or else. the obama haters have fallen for that meme. the govts constantly create memes to keep the people distracted while they continue their nefarious acts. we have spoken about the cabal, the illuminati, the freemasons, the negative ETs, but ultimately, all of these secret groups use the govt, the police, the armed forces, the illegal judiciary system, and the ucc code to enslave the people. this is why we must attack the *system* of govt that we have all over the planet -- which is a totalitarian corpocracy of organized crime that only rapes and pillages the people under the pretense of a false democracy or whatever else they say it is. we the common people of the world now must come together to create a powerful unity that will make the world govts shake in their boots. this is our only way out. lets make it happen. lets put away our personal differences and come together with this common goal -- which sounds like a cliche -- but its really the only method that works. -------Courtesy of Neel Akash.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:17:43 +0000

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